I think Elknut has some excellent videos (boring as hell) but excellent videos telling you what calls are what, and what you are saying when you are calling. If you don't know how to use it, then leave it at home is pretty much the theory I've heard. I can do a bit of a location bugle and some cow chirps/whines, etc, but I'll never be an expert. I think the other thing that must be taken into effect however is how many times those elk have heard calls before, and if they are "mute" elk, then they may likely head for the hills if you start calling at them. Not sure what this herd is like, but I'm going to be more inclined to keep quiet as well.
The CO DOW has a new "Elk Hunting University" page in which they will post up articles on a variety of topics related to hunting Elk in CO. Article 1 is Elk Hunting 101. For those interested: http://wildlife.state.co.us/Hunting/ElkHuntingUniversity/
Boots decision - made I hope I don't live to regret this. I've been a staunch supporter of Vasque boots for a long time. But, I've never really abused my footwear, like I "think" I'm going to out west. This was one area (one of many) I just wasn't gonna skimp on......so I went with what I "thought" (after doing a BUNCH of online research) was gonna do me right. Hope you guys are having as much fun getting ready for this as I am. http://www.kenetrek.com/prodinfo.asp?number=KE-420-LT2
Jeff, As long as they are comfortable, you should be "OK." If you have a good pair of WELL-BROKEN in boots that you can jog in, run in, take a walk in and they feel like part of your feet, they WILL WORK. I wear a pair of "CHEAP" boots I got from BassPro, they've been on the mountains TWICE, and on my feet for HUNDREDS of deer hunting trips, walkabouts, and even a few pick-up football games. When BP put them on clearance, I picked up 2 more pair for good measure as they are the MOST COMFORTABLE boots I've ever worn. One pair is still in the box, the other pair I wore a few times, and when my nephew needed a pair of hunting boots, I gifted them on. He now says they're the MOST COMFORTABLE BOOTS he's ever worn, but he's only 16, so there's some time for him to develop a bit. The only thing I've bought, that I really didn't NEED but would be more convenient/comfortable is a XL sleeping bag, because I'm just too broad for a REG bag. On cold nights, I would lay on my sleeping mat, and put the sleeping bag over me like a blanket, tucking it under me to keep warm, if not so cold, I'd just lay it over me like a blanket. I could also use a better set of rain-gear, but I can wait a while before that. Everything else, I think I got covered Looking just to check, it appears BassPro has those same boots I wear available again..... http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/s...1_80959_500003000_500000000_500003000_500-3-0 I got these for $50/pair last fall on a clearance, and YES they are insulated, but my feet sweating really wasn't a problem. CHEAP??? Yeah, but the quality is EXCELLENT as well.
I went to the 'boot store' and tried on just about every boot they had and ended up with a pair of Meindl Burma Pro MFS's (same as Bails) they are like wearing slippers!! I figured they weren't cheap but they should last me a good ten years kinda a long term investment (at least thats what i told the wife) They are waterproof, I've crossed streams in them up to my ankle and spent a day in the forest bogs, they didn't leak so I'm sorted: I would recommend them to anybody, and they come with a three year guarantee!!
I'm probably gonna be looking for a new sleeping bag, also. Mine's been through hell in the last 20yrs. Here's a few photos.......just to fuel the fire! This is a photo of my bowyer (Dave Windauer) with the late Paul Schafer (who is the hunter in all the other photos - except the 1st)
Jeff, Do you have a "Man-Crush" on Paul Shafer??? :D He was quite an influence on bowhunting!!! Too bad he died far before his time!!!
Will, You summed it up here to a Tee. I've really appreciated the opportunity to learn from you in years past. It's meant alot to me my friend!! After that first year tagging along with you I've had more opportunities than I probably deserve. Haven't fared as well as I wanted on closing the deal but realize that it's all about connecting the dots as you said.
True words Tim , i never expected a cow to appear in front of myself and Will ....at 8yds and a very nice 5x5 Bull 15yds behind her !!! . That their is one experience i will never forget and thanks for the opertunity Will , i only hope it happens again this year
Call it what you will.....lol. When men like the Wensels.....Charlie Lamb....Bart Schleyer....etc..., etc..., etc... call Paul the greatest bowhunter who ever walked the face of the earth, that gets my attention. I've read everything I can get my hands on, and I have to agree with them. It's inspirational (to say the least). I never read anything about him, until I'd already bought my 1st Silvertip recurve. He was definitely a man's hunter. There's a lot of "pretenders" in bowhunting, today. I don't give too many of them a LOT of credit. I JUST came across some cool footage of Fred Bear I'll post up. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBgydeR9I70&feature=grec
Awe Jeff, just ribbing you a bit. I think Paul Shaffer was certainly one of the GREATS as well. There are a few guys who I'd REALLY like to have had the opportunity to hunt with, and he's certainly on that list.
Fellas, I think about this trip every day, all day! Jeff, a trip like this one, is just like a good ole Southern Baptist wake-up sermon for me. I feel so much "closer" when I'm in the woods than I do in a pew.
...ditto Got some work planned in St. Louis this week...should have some time to get some boots tried on and hope to find the right ones to start breaking in. Also...good buddy of mine was in Rocky Mountain National Park for a wedding first weekend in March...thought I'd share a couple pics he brought back - I guess I thought the Elk would have dropped the antlers by March...and first thing he told me was "I really want to kill an Elk now":D
Agreed, nothing like getting the fire burning hot to make us want to be in the mountains right now. Getting down to time to put in the application. Less than 6 months, and somebody in this group is gonna have an elk on the ground, and a big SMILE on their face!!! :D
Guys.....I need some guidance on applying for a muley tag. I've tried the website....and I must need an MBA....v. a BS. It whooped me.
See here Jeff..... http://wildlife.state.co.us/NR/rdonlyres/393CEE85-2EA3-48B9-9480-7EDC2166361B/0/biggame.pdf It gives you the codes. Unit 45 defers to unit 35 or so it appears. It also appears that 35 had a 100% draw success last year at least..... http://wildlife.state.co.us/NR/rdon...973-A7EE-F4359251B4D8/0/Deer09DrawSummary.pdf Hope that helps a bit. Speaking of, I went ahead and put my application in for UNIT 61 or a Preference point.....:D