Just noticed that....We're moving up in the world......Will, I could probably put a little something in the "basket," so to speak, pending a couple things I got going on right now.....
Hello Guys, good luck in September I was going to come across with Mark (UK Bowhunter) and David (Bails-UK) but I can't make it. My wife wants to buy a bigger home and I could be starting my own buisness this year, along with my Daughter starting full time school after the summer holidays I might simply be snowed under with things to do. So have a good time and enjoy yourselves, and I must say to Will its a great thing your doing helping hunters get there feet on the ground and giving them the chance to do some hunting amongst other hunters, good on you Will. Thanks Gary
Bears Here is a link I found relating to bear attacks, just reminded me of some of the old posts on this thread. http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2008/03/26/bearspray.html Sorry to hear you will not be able to make it Gary, but I'll try and shoot a bull for you
LOL I've seen you shoot, those bulls can sleep easy, although with my arrows you might just get lucky.
Rob, I'm working out the details but this is what I have in mind: Both the buyer and seller of a "sold" Item get to submit the name of a deserving person (not their own of course). On July 4th, I will have Miss Jessica pull names from a hat. We will list the names as they are drawn. The number one postion gets the first call. He or she will be notified promptly. In the event he or she cannot come, number two gets the call...on down the line until someone accepts. I'm figuring about $1000/person will cover the cost of this hunt. So, if we raise more than $1000, the extra money will go to the next person.... Does that make sense?
Only problem with that, Will....is just the simple fact that not everyone knows everyone else. I have to be 100% honest.... I don't care to fund a trip for someone who can do that, themselves. And, I don't wanna contribute to a popularity contest. Not saying either of those would be the case. Just saying. In a nutshell......the person I'd throw in the mix.....probably wouldn't get another vote (OK....maybe 1 more). But, I can't think of anyone who would appreciate it, more. No one. Don't get mad at me for being honest. I apologize if any of that came out wrong.
Might make it a little earlier so they could plan vacation accordingly. I know a lot of people have their vacations for the year almost completely planned, getting that little bit of extra time would be beneficial to give the chosen person time to make plans for such an event.....Just my thoughts.
Alright guys I can try and sell an old quiver or sights and donate. But most of my hunting fund is goin to the hunt so can't donate much. Ill help where I can though!
I understand both concerns. March 31st instead of July 4th? I'm not sure where the voting came in. I think each of us knows someone deserving (could not possibly fund this on their own) within our own little spheres here. Can everyone be honest? You simply place that person's name in the mix. If it is drawn and the person accepts, he or she is heading west. Obviously you can increase a person's odds by buying and selling more. Any other suggests? I'm trying to make this "win, win" for everyone involved.