I won't be carrying a sidearm. On my last excursion I noticed the bears run the other way. i know there is still a chance but I prefer just to carry what I will be hunting with........my bow.
Jeff, here is link to the pack I recently picked up...fits me really well, includes 2-liter (68oz) water bladder...and I can shoot with it on: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...&parentType=index&indexId=cat20770&hasJS=true
bz: Man....I appreciate that. That one looks great.....and the price is right. Not sure what you shoot, but is it out of the way of your drawing arm (I guess I'm asking if it's in the way, if stuffed)?
I don't know why - but I just laugh when I read this...What ya gonna do? Too bad more PETA members didn't actually get out in the "Wild" more...I think Lions would smell them coming for miles
Jeff, I shoot compound and it seems to ride "behind" me really well. Only thing I notice is when beginning to draw - I feel the right should strap pulling slightly on shoulder - I'm guessing that's just because I've never shot with a pack on and any would do this...but feels great at full draw. I'm 5'11" 170lbs...and I'd guess the bigger one is (the larger the man) the better it would feel/fit and seem "smaller" on. Although I will practice with it on and full of weight - and be ready at all times...if a situation allows me to drop my pack before shot - I surely will. (I did have to reroute the drink tube to the right shoulder strap so as not to be on my bow side)
I have got a Cat-quiver 2.5 seeing I can't stand a bow mounted quiver. I will just have to pack some water bottles but it's plenty big enough for that and the rest of my gear plus 6 arrows:D Oh and it don't interfere with my shooting.
Yeah Jeff, get more life insurance...I like Lisa and would never want her to be without. But this has nothing to do with animals killing and eating you here-unless you smear yourself with honey. Bear are easily spooked, so are lions. You will go through 3-20 oz bottles of water/day-maybe more. I carry one bottle and fill my water bladder everyday (not sure how big it is). The bottle, when empty, comes in handy for dipping from streams. I always have iodine tablets with my survival gear. The tablets are light and they never fail. Pack: it's cold in the morning. You will need something large enough to stow gear as the day warms up...plus supplies-snacks, lunch. fresh socks, survival gear, water, knives, et al.
Here is another option for water which I like if you wear a pack. I've got a 100 oz reservoir that fits in pack and I slip tube thru shoulder strap so it's always available for drinking. There are different models out there. Bought one from Cabelas.... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...-item.jsp?id=0066732519069a&_requestid=191039
Jeff, see my edit above - I was actually meaning the bigger the user is, the better this would fit. I did buy the large size and glad I did...but I'm probably smaller than average shoulder wise and was saying the bigger your shoulders are, this would even fit better while shooting...
This is the pack I use http://www.badlandspacks.com/superday.php i have had quite a few badlands gear and reckon they are top notch, plus you have the added bonus of a lifetime no fault warrenty. I shoot trad and can shoot all day with the pack on. It is a large pack but will easily carry everything you need with plenty of room for jackets etc. I have had mine filled with all my gear plus 6 wild goat legs that I had butchered from some I shot. Handled the load with ease.
I'm swinging towards the harnessed fanny pack route , Primos do a great one whuch seems to do the job well , plus it works well with Trad gear https://shop.primos.com/pc-946-84-team-primos-harness-pac Cabela's do a great Pack too : http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t....jsp.form23&_requestid=168777&_requestid=9931
I had the Badlands Monster Fanny http://www.badlandspacks.com/monster.php for a while but didnt like how wide it felt on my hips. Other then that it was a great bit of gear.
Well I have my first side job lined up to help finance this expedition. i have to come up with all the funds for this outside of the family budget. I get to pay for my lease from family funds but this trip is extra. saturdays doing electrical work for local realtors for the next few months will take care of it.