Personally, I'm hunting for horns. I'm not bringing elk or mulie meat all the way back to AK. If I am fortunate enough to take something you guys will have to divvy the meat up.
Have you eaten elk??? If so, then I believe you'd consider the first one you get a shot at, unless they are abundant, and it seems there will be a load of opportunities. I know for me personally, unless it looks like the opportunities are going to be pretty optimistic beyond that FIRST shot, then I'm considering sending an arrow at the first one I'd get an opportunity at...... The elk I've had only a few times including this past fall at the NE GTG is as good as any beef, and probably compares to buffalo as well as anything in my experience. I'm a meat hunter first, and a trophy hunter second though. Even in whitetail woods, yet I will pass quite a few opportunities, and won't kill a buck unless he is a trophy as the does are usually abundant enough, I can fill my freezer with them and wait on "Mr. Big." AMEN, Steve, I agree 100%!!!
Until you've had Dall's sheep, caribou/reindeer or blacktail. Elk rates right about on par with moose which is about 4th down on the list for me.
I've heard good things about Sheep and Blacktail. I did have caribou a few times over the fire while bear hunting. It didn't blow me away a whole lot with the taste but It was still good.
Yeah the only problem with caribou is that there are 5 different species scattered all over the north country and the season runs for so long that I'll bet there are all kinds of different flavors of it. The ones from here in Kodiak that I've had just can't be beat, others have said they couldn't even eat ones they've shot.
I started 2008 Elk camp with the same idea , but I learn't that you have to take what presents itself from day 1 , i'm not their for a Bull specifically , i'm their for an Elk . If i get a Bull , it would be a bonus and i'd definately be over the moon and you would see my smile from Space . I cannot take any meat home with me , so if i too get a kill , you'll all be getting some . I got too taste Elk meat lastime their , possibly the best meat i've tasted .....ever either way i'm taking the ivories to get a pendant or something made , maybe Will could sort that out ?
Rob. Seeing I have never tied any of these you better send me some down so I can do an independant taste test and report back.:p
My freezer's getting a bit skinny right now. I've got a little bit of blacktail and a roast of buffalo left and that's it. I'll keep ya in mind for next year though.
I'm still trying to connects the dot as Will once put it. Every trip hopefully makes me a better elk hunter. Taken one small bull with bow a few years ago, arrowed one last fall that didn't recover (Very heartbreaking), and missed shot at a bull in area 45 a few years back. Seeing them before they see you is key as it's definitely not like the hunting shows on TV. I still haven't reached that level of awareness that I seek. You'll be moving along and suddenly there is an elk in front of you. I've had it happen with cows and bulls. It's what you do in that 30 seconds or however long that makes the difference between taking one and blowing a chance. I'm looking at it a little differently now that I've hunted a few times. I prepare as best I can and get legs ready and my shooting down. Then when I hit the woods the mental game starts. If you aren't aware 100% of the time then that is when you'll have an encounter that may be the only one of your trip. Out of 8 or 10 or however many days in the woods, you may have two days when they are vocal and bugling and you are in the thick of them. Or you may have no days like that. It's hunting and that's about it. I try to prepare myself to have close to no expectations other than to enjoy the company of those around me and to be as aware and ready for that opportunity, if it comes, as I can. More than anything I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing those (Will, Dave, etc) that I've met already. As for calling, I don't do much of it and when I do it's just cow calls. Nothing worse than hearing a bugle and then approaching to find a hunter instead of an elk. Had that happen last time in 45. I had good fortune with a Carlton Fightin cow call in the past but that was on first season rifle. Me and a friend killed two bulls first day using them. Not sure if it was the call or just positioning in that case but it does have a really high pitched sound which is different than most.
Hello to all, sorry for being a thread buster, but I have been dealing with some medical issues with my parents. But for those of you going to the Rockies for the first time, I assure you that the elk will become take second place once you arrive.
I'm in the same position as Dave, I cannot take any meat back with me However, if I am lucky enough to stick one the meat will/can be shared amoungst you all I would prefer to hold out for a bull, but if that cow presents a clean shot, who knows.............
Lot's of good info to process. I can't remember what I was gonna comment on..... Shot distance...practice as far out as you can. Calling....??? Elk meat...y'all have made me want elk burgers tonight. Bull/cow....first legal critter Bears....tags go FAST gets easier after the first trip. When my wife realized how much I loved it, she knew I'd be going back and didn't fuss at all. I'm so glad she understands. Will, I'm gonna try like hell to have a new wall tent and other supplies before September to help out with sleeping quarters and such. Another thing to add to your lists. Game bags,.... we used cotton pillow cases. They're not perfect but they worked.
Steve...thanks for the first hand hearing from those that have been there. Although I think you convinced me to take the first dang Elk I can ...and since I've never tried Elk meat...the other posts have gotten me curious. One more important question - after one has taken an Elk, and stumbles back into camp - what is everyone's "drink of choice" for celebration?
I hear that and i'll be bringing a selection of single malts with me too , JURA , TALISKER and the requested GLENMORANGIE 12 - 15 year old . They should compliment the meal nicely . I climbing in Scotland in February , so i'll pick up 3 litres :p
Here is a 5 minute clip from our video that we took two years back.....this shows the "bonus"¤t=ElkClip.flv and this is the smile it will put on your face regardless...8 months to go !!!