At this point, the powers to be should sticky this thread. There's a ton of information here which should not be lost-names, dates, equipment lists, etc. Can anyone help influence the powers to be? That would be great-thanks! the thumb tac marked on Google Earth...little over 14 hours from my door to Base Camp. Will, are any Permits needed to access these National Forests or Wilderness Areas?
My wife and daughter are making me take them to Disney World for me getting to make this trip. I need to find deeper pockets! My OT alone may not do it. Time for some side jobs I've been putting off.
I had to promise a new kitchen (we just did Disney last summer)...and I better make good...cause I know I'll return from this trip an elkcoholic
Yeah, what then? I come back hooked and want to go again next year whats it gonna take? An expensive trip somewhere!
Matt. What ever case you get make sure it will hold atleast 2 bows. Cause you have to take the one I'm making for the Mag home with ya. Oh and probably the one ya gonna steal off me:D I want every one to keep an eye on this bloke and if he say's he's gotta go home on urgent business we gotta do a strip search:p:D
x2 anybody planning an Elk hunt is gone end up with a wealth of knowledge form this thread and names to refer too when needing info for said trip .
Buddy...I wish I had the answers...women are amazing creatures My deal was that a kitchen should make me good for some time...only problem is I'm sure I can't start planning trip #2 until she has her to find a way to pay for it...I might be hunting foam Elk for a couple years after this... ...nothing like a good challenge to drive you each day though!
Hmm.. I'm getting "if we go to CO then we can't go to [insert destination] or do [insert event]". He's right... but that's not very fun.
How Far If I am lucky enough to get a shot at an Elk what is the average distance they are taken? Or, what should I set my pins for? I know they can be taken VERY close or at a good distance, but what is a reccomended distance for my last pin? I was thinking 20 - 60yds
With the terrain we are hunting ( Will and myself got within 8yds of elk in 2008 ) , i'd say 20yds - 50yds ( 60yds may be achievable in places like meadows ) . Quite a lot of trees and branches about . Anybody else got thought on this ?
Pins????????????? I dont use pins.:p You could leave your bow as it is and then sight it in once you get to camp and had a look around. Not much point sighting in at sea level when we are going to be hunting at 14k ft Besides that with all the care the airlines take it will probably need sighting in again anyway:D
You are right Russ , we had to sight in again when we got their lastime and i was way off on my 50yd pin My Hunting sharps , i'm already sorting my kit out lol .