I have 0 confidence in my stand set-ups right now….. For some reason I am not seeing bucks chasing at all this year. I’m hunting my best spot(s), with a good wind and I’m just not seeing it (yet). Yeah I know, anything can happen. Don’t fret because I WILL hunting from dawn to dusk both Saturday and Sunday. I am not giving up and I’m not even that frustrated. I am still enjoying my time in the woods and just relaxing. I just don’t have any confidence in seeing bucks this weekend . The only thing I have some degree of confidence is possibly seeing a yearling doe at dusk. Now, compound that with the warm weather forecasted this weekend and I feel my chances have decreased more……. There is my vent for the day... Carry on.
I felt that way for 3 years, until this season. For whatever reason (and there is a bunch of them) im seeing way more 2.5+ year old bucks from stand. I have 5 in two sits alone on one particular stand. I saw TWO total all last year. Do something small to build your confidence, it works for me.
Go shoot lights out at your broadhead target... Go sit a field edge where your sure to just see some deer... Try a new tactic for fun... Hang a stand in a place youve never tried... Get back to basics.
Go shoot lights out at your broadhead target... Good idea. Go sit a field edge where your sure to just see some deer... That is where my best stand is that I am referring to. (I don't have really good hunting spots. Just some okay spots) My current stand is on a flarge field edge with woods behind me. I can't go into the woods because the the farm boarder I hunt only goes 5' into the woods. Try a new tactic for fun... I was thinking about buying the buck bomb thus the reason for my post last night asking about it. Last weekend I grunted, rattled and decoyed. The decoy worked on a nice doe. I screwed that up. Hang a stand in a place youve never tried... Hmm, this is a tough one because again my hunting spot is somewhat marginal. I don't have a lot of other options that I can't see because I am on the field edge. I am already posting where I have seen the most activity come and going out of the field. Now if they cut the damn corn that will change everything! Like I posted to GMAAT a couple weeks ago. There is no question I am going to bust my tail and bang on doors to try and acquire some different properties next spring. I feel I have blown my opportunities this year already. I've been lucky and have good chances at at least 3 does. Just found a way to screw it up every time. I did learn some hard lessons that I will make sure to avoid next time. Honestly, I am not even that concerned about harvesting a buck. I would just love to get some meat in the freezer at this point. Just don't know if I have many more coupons left with gun season rapidly approaching here in Wisconsin.