I'll start by saying roosters and hens are wild out here in Hawaii, and there are a lot of em. I was offered a job doing chicken/rooster removal by bow at a friends place, so I went over there today and tried it out. Didn't go so good. They were very skiddish and he has already taught them to run for their life at the first sight of a man. When I got home, the guy who lives above me said the dog had just killed a rooster 5 minutes ago, and since he didn't have time to prepare it, he just threw it over the fence into the bush. Naturally, I jumped the fence, got the rooster and butchered it up. Threw the carcass back over the fence. Here's where it gets good. Our neighbor came over looking for her prize rooster. She had already seen the feathers in the driveway and found the carcass over the fence! She knew it was the dog. This is the same dog that gets stuck her pig traps on a regular basis and chases cars by her house. Luckily she's a cool woman and only has plans of asking the upstairs couple to keep their dog tied up. The rooster was dead when I got it, but I'm still feeling pretty bad about eating the neighbors rooster for dinner. What do you think? Apologize? Or not say anything?
I cant stand them freaking roosters...everywhere down there esp on old fort weaver road in Ewa....I was stationed there for 5 years and still Teachnaly am but idk what to tell ya to do about eatn the ladys rooster.
At the very least, you could have offered her some of her own rooster :D I'd tell her... Here is a picture from my rooster hunting adventure. :D
Looks like the guy upstairs is gonna be buying her a new rooster... Also looks like this could be the last straw for the dog... to the pound. I'm still leaning towards Dubbya on this and just let her know. Then keep my cat locked in the house for a long time.