1. Anyone ever tried the gallon of "Molasses Stump Likker" ? You pour it over a hardwood stump and the deer come from 3 counties to lik that stump. Or so they say..... 2. In this arena I fear the answers but anyway.......First let me give you my credentials, I am NOT a tourney shooter. The last deer I killed(or shot at ) with a bow was in 1981. If we were shooting together in my backyard, I would not impress you, nor would I be embarassed. I shoot as good or almost as good as anyone I shoot with. (I've been blessed with great eyesight and have always been an excellent shot) Now for the question....Do you guys ever just adjust to your set up ? For instance...my bow is tuned, shoots field points, montecs, mechanicals all to the same spot. But I have been in the field or at my hunting cabin, decided to hunt squirells or rabbirs or whatever, and I use cheap ,old arrows, allen mechaniclas or whatever, I just shoot them a few times and see were they are going and then mentally adjust..... Now listen, I do not hunt deer or promote going hunting and shoot an animal if you don't know exacvtly were the arrow should go....but if I was climbing my stand, and god forbid I dropped my bow...when I got up I would shoot the practise head and if it was close I would sit if it wasn't I would shoot it again...if it was off and hit the same spot, I would mentally adjust and sit. Then square it away when I got home. What says you ? SB
I love it, it works great. I even put a little in my hair in the morning, it drives the chicks crazy.
For numberone1 no, but if the Mrs. is up for it I may tonight:p For number two I would do the exact same and did so last year when I dropped my bow.
I am good with the "close and mentally adjusting" but I would feel better if a group (shoot the one arrow 5-8 times) was hitting all in the same spot. Then I would know for sure that the problem isn't too bad. If I shot the group and it was opened up to about 6 inches @ 15-20 yards then there is something wrong and I wouldn't shoot at an animal with my bow in that condition. Now, with all of that said, if I dropped my bow and needed to shoot that many times to make sure it was OK then I would likely head home. Fortunately, for me, my hunting is a short drive and long walk so, to call it a day because of some mishap (dropping my bow out of the stand) is no big deal.