I have had one of my build a longs published in an on line magizine. http://www.stikbowhunter.com/ Click on the pic below the arrow, you'll have to wait for it to load and scroll to the bottom. It's the build a long I done on Rob's bow. I know it's not that big a deal but it means a lot to me this is the first time I have had anything published. Russ
Congrats Russ! I may get her out to thump some hares this weekend if this rain ever stops. Make sure you download it using Explorer and not FireFox. It jammed up twice on me in FireFox but came across fine in Explorer.
Rob. I Got up about an hour ago and there is this white stuff falling from the sky:D Gonna make it interesting going to work tonight Good luck with the hares mate
Russ , it was only a matter of time before somebody saw your handy work/craftsmanship and published it , Congratulations . Hope it brings you plenty of work in and then you can kiss the nightshifts away .
I haven't been able to download It yet Russ (been trying). Tomorrow night when I get back from working I'll try It again using IE. Congratulation's my friend, you have boat loads of talent and couldn't be happier for you that your getting noticed!!