LOL..a company is givin out free gear but someone finds a way to complain about it.... I didn't even get a little sticker.
Ahh yes, I remember vividly. Good thing I woke up in the middle of the night.....the damn Ether Bunny nearly got me!
Did someone miss this part? I am not worried about gettin' free stuff dudes. Mostly just yankin JZ's chain. I guess I came off the wrong way on this. Sensitive subject matter I suppose.:d It's all Lighten up Trev.
I think I have an easy solution. Dan you didn't like your gift. So head down and give LAEquilizer your sack punch! Then he will have gotten something and everyone will be happy except TEmbry but who really cares if he is happy! LOL
Heck, Justin has my safety rope, my chronograph and the dvd of the footage we got at Campbell's and I can't get any of that stuff out of him. Much less a cool shirt or jacket. Todd G did give the Illinois Bowfishers Club a bunch of hats.. so Todd is cool but I think I'm going to tell the guys at the bowgrip booth that Justin and I broke up. (laff, laff) No more Justin the boy-toy for me. :smash:
Oh, my truck did mysteriously sprout a sticker while it was parked at the Deer Classic. Fergie fessed up to that one. :D
Your just lucky I left all the other stickers on your truck! And only reason I put it on was cause Todd was to chicken to do it himself! Or maybe it was my idea. I really don't remember!!!
Well if I don't remember that I surely don't remember which night it was! But I think the sticker incident was in the morning at the show.
You're welcome to scrape off my McCain/Palin stickers. (even the pink one) I'm too lazy. I'm not sure the HNI sticker will even come off. It's bonded on with a few layers of blood, fish slime and road grime.
Look at the post count. Back before our Pro Spamming Days. We were roided up. That picture is AWESOME!