Thanks so very much Todd/Justin. It really was a surprise when it came, didn't expect it at all. Lesson to all you out there, good things come to those who wait!:d Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! whoohooo!
Sorry got excited and forgot to list. I got the long sleeve "pick a spot" shirt, black knit hat, bk/silver baseball cap, and bumper sticker. Very generous of Todd I must say, very generous indeed. thanks again, much appreciated.
I recieved a package that had a bunch of extra goodies in it as well. They are certainly taking very good care of their members :d Much appreciated
What gives? I order a pair of gloves and get my gloves, small sticker and a business card from Mr. Graff? Are all these extra goodies only for those who spend a mint on the site? I'm just sayin' LAEq
Guys - we appreciate the business and will continue to help you out as much as we can, but keep in mind the party can't last forever. We need to make some money to keep this place running!! LAQ - we typically only put some extra goodies in for people we know from the forum, not with every order that goes out the door. In your case, we probably just didn't realize the order was for you. Next time you order something be sure to let me know so I can toss a hat or a shirt in with your stuff.
I've had better, but the Logo on the bun was a nice touch. The actual broadhead in the patty, that just wasn't cool. Rotten even!
You got the ultimate gift my friend - spending 5 days hunting with possibly the two most entertaining deer hunters in the history of modern civilization. Consider yourself lucky!
JZ, was that an insult? Dude I have been around since HNI and the startup of this site. Does the name LouisianaTomkat ring any bells? How 'bout LT? No worries. I just thought it was generous to get my little sticker and business card. LT, LouisianaTomkat, LAEqualizer
I'm not trying to butt in, but he said he didn't realize it was *your* order. Not that he didn't recognize you.
Unless the name on your credit card and shipping address is Louisiana Tomkat, or LAEqualizer, your'e not helping me here.