I think I have seen this before.:d Green: Corners that look good. I really like the SW corner next to the road. A N or NE wind would be perfect for that spot. But being close to the road you might get away with other directions. Red: Looks to me like the deer would stage up in these corners to enter the field. Yellow: Passing thru from one field to another. Purple: The bucks are gonna want to travel that old skidder trail. I bet there are scrapes there. Blue: Catch em going back to bed in the mornings. Grey: Another good corner to catch em cutting thru. The white line: There has to be some apple trees or a garden or bird feeder in one or more of those back yards that the deer are gonna hit. You need to do a little spying into the yards.
I'd hafta say almost the same as buckmagnet. in the corner of the field by #9 and intercept the does going toi/coming from their beds. Where there are does, there are bucks.
Everybody has things covered pretty well, so I am going to drive up & down the highway, paying particular attention to the areas around numbers 10/11 & 13/14. Looks like good crossing areas.
I am going to get into your guys maps here in a minute.... Thanks to all who participated I do hunt there... What I was getting at is that my problem was the entry route outlined on his aerial. Not the stand location. Hunting pressure is very high in my area and I am sure the interstate doesn't help much. I don't even mark the does that I find. I have found 5 arrows this year while shed hunting :huh:
I pretty much ruled out the west side and all crop edges with all the competition. They will force the bucks east of the old skid trail and the bucks will avoid running along the crop edges. I figure the bucks will stay in thicker cover. The top two red locations would be my top choices depending on wind. The bottom red would be for an all day sits mid week when pressure is less. Would be a good spot for bucks when they are scent checking the bottom doe bedding area with a w/sw wind and not effect any bucks bedding/running in the corn. The yellow location just looks like a good crossing spot since it is the narrowest spot in the old slough bottom but wind would have to be just right. probably not the best spot but one I wouldn't over look. Tim
So the question is, Scott... how'd we do? I'm assuming that this was more of an exercise than you needing help...
I am going to PM everyone who marked a map up. I wanted to have some fresh eyes look the spot over. Sometimes you hunt some where so long you kind of get stuck in a rut always hunting the same areas. I wanted to see where you guys would go hunt knowing the habitat, not by just looking at the aerial map. Again, thanks to everyone who participated.
I think there's allot of truth to that one Scott. I may myself throw up a map for everyone to see and get all your thoughts, good points Scott!!
OK I am pretty sure I replied to everyone via PM but Germ since all he did was doodle on my map :d If I missed anyone let me know, as I could have accidentally. Thanks again to who all took the time to look it over.