every time I think I reached the depths of human stupidity i find another idiot down there still digging the hole...
It really doesn't surprise me to much. When people learn that I raise chickens the first thing they ask is "Do they lay eggs?". The next thing they ask me is "Can you eat them (the eggs)?". When I tell them I also eat the chickens, I have had a select few ask me what they taste like LMAO. It seems there are many people that think the food they eat originates on plastic trays covered in plastic wrap, in cardboard cartons or metal cans. I am no longer surprised, at all, by what people do not know about the food they eat. Hell, look at people. Most are 30-50lbs overweight, in poor health and couldn't walk 50 yds without having to stop and rest.
Hell, "they'll" be growing steaks on a plate in no time folks....especially once Barry lifts any ethics bans on genetically engineered livestock(which I believe is in the works). Science will have free reign to do as they see fit. Spawning a few pork chops out of some cells in a petri dish?.......Give em a year or two.