"Old Fart" Yep... Too old!! No good so far.. Sign starting to pick-up.. Halloween is coming, sometimes that's when things start get interesting around here. Chris
Hitting it hard the next couple of weeks guys. I will shoot at any doe or any good buck that makes my heart pump. I will be hunting in the rain on Tues/Wed. I am hoping when the rain dies down and the temps drop that the deer begin to move a little harder.
About 10 minutes before sundown what I thought was a doe dropped off the hill to the staging area I was hunting. As "she" approached I saw some small antlers. Man what a bummer. I thought I was going to get my chance to take down my first recurve deer. I let the little 4 pointer walk past broadside at 10 yards.
I got into shooting recurves a while back, about 15 years or so. I had been shooting with strictly compounds for a few years prior to that. At that point in time I was doing a ton of 3d tournaments and having a good time with it but I eventually burned myslef out a little with the compounds. When I started shooting recurves it was fun again and still is. I absolutely love the simplicity of it. That being said I still love hunting with my compounds but I do take breaks where I hunt with my recurve for a hunt or two or if the situation dictates the recurve would be a better choice. I have never been a one weapon hunter. I like shotgun, blackpowder, rifle, bow, recurve, compound, hell I even have a crossbow for my 9 year old that I want to go plug a deer with. The thing is fun to shoot. My next major purchase is going to be a pistol that I can set up to hunt with. It's whatever, I enjoy all of it. Do what makes you happy and keep plugging away Brett. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics.
Hey man, I let a little spike walk past at 10 yards when bow season first opened. So don't feel bad. Virginia man, we are gonna get one here soon man. I got this real good feeling about this weekend man. I'm doing an all day, saturday. I can't freaking wait.
Had two spikes within range tonight after they chased a doe past my stand. I had so many broadside shots I could die because I really want to get my first recurve deer but I do not want to kill a small buck. So they got a pass. Back at it all day tomorrow and for 5-6 hours on Friday. Good luck Deinhardt and thanks NEW!
Virginia, I had 5 does about 2 weeks, come 10 yards right in front of me, but I couldn't get in the right position, wind was blowing hard and I just couldn't hear them. They smelled my boot, where I stepped, and got freaked out. So I just washed all my hunting stuff, and am going out tonight. Goodluck man
Same to you buddy. Those two doe that bugged out on me must have smelled my boots as well before winding me. That is deer hunting.