Its going to happen soon. I know it. Stayed out WAY late last night, and woke up late this morning. I got all my gear on and rushed out to my hot stand. Its the one that i hung on the ridge with the bedding areas. It was real foggy in Ohio this morning and luckily i didn't spook anything on the way in. The woods were dead for almost 2 hours, then around 815 i hear movement to the left in the valley. I dont even need to pull my binos up to see who it was, i could tell by the limp, He cut accros my entry trail and continued on through the valley. His limp is a little but worse then it was on Nov. 1st, but he looks healthy otherwise. I start to get the feeling that if he presented a shot i would take him, especially with our bad yote problem...even though i REALLY want this buck to live 1-2 more years. I reach for my grunt call and realize i forgot my pack...DAMN! He limps off towards the bedding area. A few minutes later, 3 does come out of the bedding area and head away from me to the east. A few minutes after that a lone button buck does the same, then another doe a few minutes later. I go from natta to 6 deer sightings in 10 minutes. About 30 minutes later, it happens. I glimpse big body through the brush on the edge of the bedding area. I pull the binos up and see a glimpse of antler and some funk. Pucker moment, is it HIM? He clears the brush and i find out thats its a (what i believe to be) 3.5 year old Rob buck that my buddy got pictures of all summer. He has a typical 4 point on one side and a handlebar on the other. No grunt call means he walks away through the woods at 70 yards. Damn. My buddy has ALOT of pictures of this buck, so ill get them from him so i can post em up. My 4th lifetime mature buck sighting from the deer stand and 1st of the year. This stand has given me four 2.5 year old sightings and one 3.5 year old sightings in the 5 times ive sat it this year. Heres some intresting bonus coverage: Look at the timestamps on those pictures. Damn.
I feel it too. The way the woods have been coming alive the last week it's just a matter of time till one of 'em makes a mistake
Sounds like your in the right place, that's most of the battle. Now you just need to be in the stand at the right time!
I stayed out way too late last night too, but wasn't hunting at 8:15 I was just waking up lol :p:D I do believe I consumed one or 12 too many beers. I'm so glad the world series is over and no chance of messing with my morning hunts anymore. That's the first hunt I can remember in a long time that I missed due to anything aside from weather. Good luck to you Simans. You were my #3 pick on the prediction thread. I think it's a matter of time for you bud. Give em hell. Just please don't mention Favre or Rodgers in your thread when you kill one.:p
Will, the stand is prime, i just need the time :p NY, Arod and Favre stay in the water cooler. I got real life to worry about in the gerenal section. Hell will be given :D Shed, its rough being 19 with few cares in this world besides deer, beer, girls, fires and quarterbacks, oh wait, no its not! :D
Got your order straight Good luck! Not that you need it...Sounds like you are due for something anyhow!
Awesome. It's only a matter of time (same thing I told crick the other night, and see what happened :D).
Heres the buck i saw today boys: He's either a rediculus 2.5 or a normal 3.5. Without a doubt a trophy Rob buck.
I LOVE HIM! Wish I lived closer. :p :D Would love to see ya score on him! I'd say 3.5 and notice his back right leg?
Ill be getting some better pictures of him later tonight. This was just a quick cell phone pic. His leg is pretty gnarly in some other shots. These pics were taken at the same salt lick that FD and FD Jr. and a bunch of other local bucks visit all summer long. They all disperse in October every year like clockwork and return in January.
Have you ever tried to grunt one in with your mouth? You dont need a call to do so, deer are just like people, they all sound different
Back before i had my first beer i tried that. All three 1.5 year old six points went south fast. Ill have my call ready tommorow, dont worry :D