ok the problem i am having is when i first start shooting i am getting very nice groups 1" @ 20 yrds then after about 15-20 shots my arrows start going places they were not meant to go usually low left could this be just my arms getting tired or do you think there is a bigger problem?
i usually start to get bigger groups after ive been shooting awhile to. i think its because your arms get tired but there could be something else..i guess ive never really thought about it that way...but the next day im usually shooting normal again.
I have that problem too, low and left! what i do to help is not shoot so many arrows at once. I normally shoot 3 arrows and go get them but now i shoot just 2 and take a minute in between each one. seems to help
It sounds like you are dropping your arm and not holding your form through the shot. If this is so then what I do is concentrate on my back tension. I also work on aiming until I hear the arrow hit the target.
I end up high and to the left when I shoot a few three shot groups. I have started to take 1 shot - walk up and pull it and then walk back and take another shot. Probably better practive overall as you'll likely only get one chance in the woods.