I am curious about population numbers.

Discussion in 'Bowfishing' started by BarometerBilly, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. BarometerBilly

    BarometerBilly Newb

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I am going soon for my first time bow fishing and I have a couple questions. What to do with the trash fish that are shot? My other question concerns the Alligator Gar. We have them here in Arkansas and I am amazed by their size and age. I have never eaten gar and have heard it is not very good. What can be done with an alligator gar after it is shot and brought on board the boat. I enjoy bowhunting deer and while I am hunting deer I have shot many a squirrel, possum, and coon. I consider these possum and coon predators of our very small turkey population. I give the squirrel and coon to people I know who eat them. I leave the possum. Bow fishing has seemed to really take off in the last couple of years and I know the population of Asian Carp are very high, I do not think the population of Alligator Gar are. I do not want to kill something that is not a problem and not edible. I teach my nephew and other kids to be responsible hunters, so I do not want to be a hypocrite when it comes to bow fishing. Does anyone know where I can find information concerning the populations of the Alligator Gar in various southern states?

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