I cannot get enough of them! I hunt rams with my camera whenever possible. Here’s a few photos from this weekend…enjoy! I snapped this one from 6 yards. He hauled the mail when he heard the shutter close.
X2 My dream hunt would be to chase some bighorns with my bow across the mountains...hopefully someday I will get the chance!
Very nice pics ...what kind of distance are we talking on these shots? Sheep have always been top interest for viewing on our family trips to Rockies...I love setting up my spotting scope at a viewing area while everyone is watching Elk and Mulies and locking in on some Sheep well up the mountain...people flock to the scope to check them out as many have never seen them (always fun to share that with them)...although rare to see rams as good as these. Bighorn on are the list as well...how many years on average to draw in CO?
Jeff, I bagged a ram back in 1992. I have been applying for a desert bighorn tag since 1990...now and after a reg change, you can only apply for one or the other (Rocky Mt vs desert). I'm telling you cowboy, I could make a killing guiding sheep hunters. I suffice with photos.
Matt, I have a confession to make. I shot several photos from ranges as far away as thirty yards and as close as six yards. Now for the confession...I tried the "old throw the rock over the rams head" trick while he wasn't looking in an effort to get him even closer. My loft was larger than my leap. The rock, the size of a grapefruit, landing smack dab on the ram's back....ending my photo opp. I had a lad from Oklahoma with me this weekend. He got to see his first mt. goats (15 total), his first bull elk (5), plenty of mule deer, and obviously his first bighorn. We were in GMUs S11 and S12 (G13 for goats). We saw the bulls/deer while scouting area 45 for September. If anyone ever wants to try their hand at a colorado ram, apply for area S11 first and S12 second. I will accompany you personally. This is one of my favorite hunts.
Amazing pics Will. But I imagine they aren't quit that easy to sneak up on during the season. They probably have calanders just like our whitetails.
Great pics Will, I realize SOMEONE has to draw....but the odds are so discouraging, it'll be a while before I enter that race, which will even further lower my odds. Someone asked how long it takes to draw? Think in terms of decades rather than months or years, and that is anywhere in the lower 48. If you need immediate results, you gotta pay the mega bucks to head to Canada for a guaranteed tag.