Dr. Mitten! That's awesome! I'm definitely planning to talk with the doc about what my limitations will and will not be. Good Lord willing it's a partial tear that will heal without surgery but I'm sure there are going to be limitations. I'll just be happy to get out but have really appreciated the insights and shared experiences - definitely helps with encouragement and hopefulness.
Sorry for the typos. This devise just writes what ever it wants. I usually try to fix it before anyone reptiles..lol I got busy shucking peas... Good luck this season and stay safe. Remember get back up help lined up. Push comes to shove if you saddle hunt go SRT,I believe you can pull that off one legged, other than the trip in and as some one mentioned an E-bike might work. Even if renting is able over investing in one.
At this point it’s just prescribed stretches and don’t push. Stop when it hurts. Coed soccer is the worst especially indoor! Lol. A broken ankle, nose and my hand twice! No thank you. I’m only 40 and at this point I compare risk to, will it ruin my season? Have you seen a dr or started any pt? How severe is the injury? At least the ankle can be wrapped and braced. Definitely don’t underestimate the value of rest and recovery.
I see sports medicine doc on Monday at 8am, which cannot come soon enough. Right now my leg is in a boot and foot smells to high heaven, I should have asked the nurses to scrub my foot before they wrapped it lol. These severity is unknown but initially I had extremely limited dosiflexion (bringing my foot towards my shin), I felt like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill when she's trying to wiggle her big toe! But since the injury I have done some dorsifelxion, obviously limited given my foot is wrapped, with little pain. Not sure on the severity just yet but hoping that I can just do PT and not have to have surgery. Indoor coed is the worst! People play like it's the damn world cup, I think people forget we have to work cpme Monday! Haha.
Good luck with the doc. I don't have experience with the Achilles but sounds like they have you in the boot...so it should be immobilized. I've trashed my right ankle twice, all the other ligaments but not the Achilles...last time took me 16 weeks before losing the boot. I don't think I'd be too keen to try climbing sticks, but may be able to get to a ground set...possibly a climber (if not on public). I've got a Dr appt tomorrow...shoulder.
Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope that it's not too severe and you recover sooner rather than later. The joint injuries seem to stay aggravated for so long and tend to be recurring, not necessarily to the same extent but just ongoing struggles.
You'd be surprised what PT can do if you listen and do your home work as well. I had to have 2/3 of my rt meniscus removed due to a tear I waited 3 months to have looked at(hunting season) At that time he had to also scrape arthritis. Told me knee replacements were in my future. 2 years later I had a complete tear in ACL of Lft. Knee. Surgeon refused surgery because " You will need 2 knee replacements but your too young yet. Off to PT. I'm 64 now with other than older age no knee issues.
Started prescriptions to reduce swelling and aggregated muscles (steroids and muscle relaxers for pm) stretching and PT. May eventually need surgery, but Dr says we have a few options before we get there...
Best of luck! Hoping the PT does the job. I just had my MRI and will need surgery. Trying not to get to bummed out as I'll be out of commission for 6-12 weeks. Thankfully I can hobble up around my inlaws and go in a blind. My public land spot that I've been getting a few different awesome bucks will be a no go unfortunately but it is what it is.