I was talking to one of my unlces over thanksgiving and he informed me he still hunts with a fred bear recurve that he bought from K-Mart for $15.99 like 20 yrs ago. Thought you guys might find that interesting. After talking to him I think I want to put away the fancy compund bow for the year and try to shoot something with a recurve wiht no sights. It just soundsl ike a blast.
Would love to see images of the bow. If it works for him, i dont see why not. He probably would be lost using something else.
How much do you guys typically spend on your bows? I was thinking of snagging one here...what price point would you recommend? I don't want to break the bank but I don't want to end up with crap.
To be honest, I wouldnt order a bow without ever trying it. Go into your local archery shop, and try them out. Trust me, you wont regret it.
I hunt with a Samick sage. It's cheap but the buck I shot didn't know that. Check them out they are a real good bow for the money.
I hunt with quite a few older bows...a '72 Bear Super Kodiak, a '72 Bear Grizzly, a couple of old Browning & Shakespeare recurves from the '60s & '70s....and I even take out a '59 Bear Grizzly every now and then
I am heading home from college for christmas break in a week and was going to try and use one of my uncles old recurve bows. Someone told me to be careful because it might snap because it is so old and hasnt been shot in a while. Should i be concerned?
Ya i would have it checked out before you shoot it you can have a crack in the limb and could snap when u pull it back one of the recurves i started with as a kid did it!!!
the stickbow is just plain badass! no sights, no rest, no range finder, just you and the stick, nothin better