this might be a dumb question for some.but i notice deer out feeding during the light rain, but thats in the neighborhood. so there feeding pattern is different.but most rainy days im off work. so would it be worth sitting in a stand for a deer or do they just bed down?
i have seen plenty of deer during rainy times... its definitly harder to hear them coming though...they will sneak up on ya in a sec.
If its chilly with a light drizzle, you can put money on me being on stand. Some of my best days have come during those conditions. A light rain seems to calm the deer and you will see good movement. Now, a heavy rain, I wouldn't waste my time. I've sat in downpours before and all I had to show for it was soaked gear and water logged fingers. Then of course you have to figure out how to get your clothes dry when its cool and damp outside.
Hard to say For me in pennsylvania if its a light rain i hunt but if its bad rain i just dont go out the deer sit in there beds all dy just get up walk around there bed and lay back down and the rain can make the deer change thei feeding habbits so just do some homework on your area you hunt and go from there
When it rains hard then get some old camo on and get ur crossbow or compound bow ready and go stealth hunting... u can sneak up on some big deer cause the rain knocks scent and noise way down... but of course only if u dont mind geting a lil wet
Gotta agree with the blood trails in the rain. Light or heavy, you loose it very fast. Light/fine rains are great. Deer dont seem to pay no matter.
Here in Vermont i often take this time to do a little still hunting. have walked on to deer, 40yards and less in the rain a few different times. and its nice to get out of the stand some times.
I've killed an awful lot of deer in the rain. If it's light rain I'll stay out until I get uncomfortable. Hard rain my old lazy ass stays home these days.
i messed up cause it was raining friday and i drove around and saw deer everywhere but i wasnt n a stand
I dont even care anymore about conditions. Yesterday i went out and it was prime conditions, everything was right. My stand was overlooking a great recent scrape line and i didnt see a single thing all day. go out today and it rained and i saw two bucks
I shot a nice buck in the rain. I had 3 days to hunt at the place that I was at so I wasn't going to let weather stop me from hunting. It was a steady rain when the buck came down the trail. As soon as I shot it turned to full downpour. Because I knew the shot was good, I climbed down as soon I could. I had the buck tagged within 5 minutes of the shot. Even with a heart shot the blood trail was washing away fast. The loss of a blood trail in the rain is something you must take into serious consideration when you head out in those conditions. But the deer movement is often pretty good in the rain.
Well with this cold front and extreme low pressure moving in tomorrow here in the Midwest get your butts out today.
i hunted in the rain saturday and saw 6 deer feeding on acorns and almost shot a 120" 8 point at 40 yards. to bad he stayed behind some trees
Rain, esp during these times when bucks are making and tending scrapes can be awesome. I'll be wet tonight.
Huntin in the rain can be reallllly good. But as some people already mentioned, blood trails suck. So only take the absolute surest shot possible. That being said, mature buck movement during a light rain is hard to beat. Get on some rain gear and get in a tree or ground blind. Here's an article that covers a bunch of tips for hunting big bucks in the rain... Hunting Big Bucks In The Rain
Some of my best hunts have been during late October rain storms! Especially if it's a little chilly out.