For those of you that enjoy, or like to watch hunting videos/shows, what would you like to see as a viewer?? Big bucks, little bucks being havested, Does, maybe?? The ups and downs of the hunt, comedy, Every day hunters like you and I, ect, ect. What would like to see in a hunting video/show??
Im like Jeff, I want to see more explaination of the shot and recovery ....don't tell me how the deer came in and how you had to stop him, I know that already, i watched it, tell how long it took you to find him, how far he went, show me the shot placement, how long you waited to track, show me the blood trail, etc.
Explosions... Then truthfulness.:D It would be cool to see aerials & topos and have them explain why they were hunting their location. Public land. Deep woods (selfish reasons) Shots from the ground showing what the stand set looks like, with people in it. Just a few things I'd like to see
Good stuff there if it makes it past the editor I will film it this year, I really like topo and arieal part.. I have a 36x24 areial of our farm so it would be easy to show you why we were where there..Walt
I like watching people who ussually hunt their own land or leases (Drurys, Lakowskis, Whitetail Addictions, etc) rather than watch someone go from outfitter to outfitter to outfitter.
Seems alot of shows get stuck on just showing the kill and recovery. Show other deer/wildlife that come near the hunter's stand. Show more about setups and stand locations. Maybe show the bow and archery equipment being used.
Yep doing it real on your leased or public land - the reality of it is what is missing in most shows -
Everything GMMAT said plus: Once you shoot the deer STOP WHISPERING. I can't stand the whispering anyway but I can understand it before the shot. But after? The whispering cheer and then the whispering explanation of what I just saw. The deer is dead, he can't hear you even if you yell.
I agree, that is what I want to see in a show/DVD... WKP is that by definition, big fan of them. I really like HB also, I just wanna see Hunsucker in more of the shows...Pulling up to fill-up on gas, with his gas cap on the wrong side... twice in a row.... Now that is good stuff. :D
Huntin' Videos I would like to see more chicks! Seriously, all joking aside...more chicks! Okay, okay...I would like to see thier scouting techniques, topos, post-season follow-ups, less Matthews band wagoners, and the whole 9 yds. I think that's it....
You got to come down to SE Iowa then son - we got CRP babes all over the place! I can't even go hang a stand without seeing one come rollin on up wearing next to nothing but poison sumac! I want to see the work that went into the hunt, and the stories of particular bucks through the years. What I DON'T want to see is another friggen TC box blind hunt over standing beans / corn in late season Iowa. I don't want to see blantent product plugs. I don't want to see bucks getting shot just for "another" kill. Success doesn't need to mean kill.... I was so frustrated with what was on TV and video, I decided to start my own company! Thank god I just happened to snag the best cameraman/ editor in the business! Whaddup LB! Heartland Bowhunter Quality footage is always the #1 thing. Doe kills, misses, ambient wildlife, history, trail cam photos. The more the better. Hosts who dont go ape **** like a little girl when they shoot a deer j/k, i love your guys DVD Todd, and it is already one of the best, i bet most of us would just like to see more of the "taken for granted" stuff. .....oh, and more JZ and DUKE! :D
This is KEY. Like i mentioned before, HISTORY is good, we love history. Stay with a particular ground for 4-5 years and watch deer grow, that would be special (already somewhat happens).
I am more interested in what is going on during the hunt than the "kill" its self. I want to see a lot of buck footage, the kill is meaningless to me.
How bout DO-IT YOURSELFERS like you and I who get it done on their own, year after year...Thats what I would like to see!!
I want to see more of what went into the hunt. Show me your cameraman getting into the tree. Tell me WHY you are in that stand THAT day. If you have been in that stand for a week, tell me or show me. Ya, I want sweet kill shot footage, but I also want to see the shooter draw the bow in real time, multiple cameras are cool.
I like a lot of what everyone is saying and agree with many of the points about building the story of the hunt and explaining how the hunt unfolds. Unfortunately for TV shows doing that effectively in a 22 minute time slot is very difficult. Some are able to do it very well and others are more cookie cutter shows. On DVDs it gives the company more of an opportunity to tell that story and build the hunt up. You are not under as much of a time constraint and don't have to worry about your commercial breaks. The flexibility there allows for a much better presentation of the hunt and I personally enjoy DVDs much better than I do TV shows for that reason.