I asked something similar over on the other site a while back, and the responses were pretty interesting. When you guys are looking to purchase a hunting DVD or are already watching one, what do you prefer (assuming the hunts are equal in terms of fair chase, low key "acting," etc)...a video that looks more like the average hunter put together with low budget equipment, or one that was shot with a bit higher quality equipment and has tasteful editing (not overdone music, reenactments, etc)? I personally love seeing quality footage coupled with good editing. I'm a big graphics guy, though, so that may be partially why I'm drawn to cool editing (I'm impressed with the HB guys, and I like TC's Game Trails as well).
Professional look is what sells. I watch videos anymore just to see the video and editing quality, and to pick up tips and pointers for filming here in KY. I could care less about the bucks killed and what not, all it takes is flipping it to the outdoor channel and I can see all the deer die that I want to....I like to see the video footage itself and compare it to what we capture to try and get better and evaluate. Editing MAKES the DVD though, no doubt about it...BUT, good editing starts with good field work by the cameraman.
Certainly does. With my photography, I've found I'm doing less and less editing because I'm spending more time in the field working on composition.
If I wanted amateur video I could watch all the useless video of some of my own hunts. The video quality and editing makes all the difference. The interesting part I have noticed is that some shows I used to watch I won't anymore because they just don't measure up. So many companies recently have stepped up the quality that shows I once enjoyed don't seem to entertain anymore. Even though I know they they haven't really changed.
I don't care for 99% of all the hunting shows and DVD's out there. I'd rather watch lemmings fall off a cliff. Forget production.. forget promotion.. just give me something where guys are just hunting. I don't want to hear the music as a buck is walking into range.. I wanna hear footsteps.. the hunter breathing.. the cameraman whispering.. REAL stuff. I want to kill myself anytime anyone hunts Texas. For some reason it just bothers me. No offense to Texas hunters.. nothing wrong with your state (I LOVE Texas).. I just hate looking at the Texas scenery and some guy sitting in a giant porch trying to shoot a deer over a food plot that's half the size of O'Hare airport. Gun hunts.. I hate them.. don't care to ever watch a 170" whitetail fall down to a gun. EVER. I like when the hunter just keeps it short.. I don't want to hear your views on hunting with this new bow.. I don't.. cause frankly it's just a bow and it didn't help you kill that deer. I have a bow too.. do you want to hear me talk about it for 2 minutes instead of why I'm hunting right here. Didn't think so.. so forget about your gadgets when your in a tree. I like when the hunts real.. and the hunter is a realist. Longer hunts are my favorite.. I can stare at a hunter on television hunting for hours as long as it's real and his situation I can identify with. Crappy quality footage.. don't care.. I just like when it's real. No BS. I'm not even sure if I answered the original Q..??
You did...in a way. Assuming BOTH shows catered to EXACTLY what you want to see as described above. Would you rather see the higher quality more professional footage/editing, or the amateur"ish" footage/editing. Or would it not matter to you? No right or wrong.
Doesn't matter to me anymore. I want a story and a good bunch of hunters. Save the fireworks for July.
To be honest there is a guy here in Oklahoma that does alot of whitetail videos, you know ole Roger Raglin. I truly do enjoy watching him. I have some of his old VHS vids and really do enjoy them. He gives tips not promos, he is probably not the best hunter out there but he has definately killed his fair share of big bucks out there and I think he is one who does his homework, and you can tell he really and truly enjoys his hunts. If his shows were edited a tick better it would be the epitome of what I enjoy watching. He really and truly gets excited when he kills something and doesnt go shouting out numbers. I enjoy his stuff.