I hunt public land so i cant make a food plot or anything like that. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=sayville&sll=42.894304,-75.702345&sspn=0.004284,0.013733&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Sayville,+Suffolk,+New+York&ll=40.857294,-72.718678&spn=0.004771,0.013733&t=h&z=17> i can hunt right of the road about a 1/4 mile into the woods. anyone have any suggestions?
Ok, give me some time and I will look the topo map over. What types of fields are those directly to the right of County Rd 51?
HH--have you ever hunted this place? If so, did you see deer? Does anyone you know hunt this spot succesfully? One thing I have noticed is there is not a lot of water in that area, except for that creek that runs through the spot. If I were you I would focus my efforts on that creek. Walk the entire length of the creek and note where you find deer tracks, rubs, scrapes, etc. I will keep looking at the map. Do you feel comfortable driving around and talking with some of the farmers that live and work around this public land spot? They may be able to clue you in on some of the information you are looking for in terms of deer sightings, plus they might even have hunted the area. You being a young hunter might make them feel good helping you out.
ive hunted there for about 4 years, and my dad has hunted there for alot longer, and i think he has gotten about 4 or 5 deer or so. I havent really ever gone that deep in the woods i hunt about a hundred yards from the road. Its hit and miss on when you see deer. Its either you see nothing, or 5 or so does traveling in a straight line out to the sod farm. Im going scouting tomorrow to check out the creek and set up a trail cam. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
How many other people hunt that spot? Look at this website, and move back and forth between the topo version and the aerial view to see why I marked those spots in blue. http://mapper.acme.com/ Type in the coordinates..I put them on the right hand side of the below map. GOOD luck HH. Brett
haha ya ive been doing that for like an hour now. Theres five parking areas which allows 2 hunters per area. and its usually full on weekends and on weekdays it depends on the point of the season for how many people. some of the points pose problems however due to restrictions of how deep or south i can go in the woods. But i will be definatly checking out W, X, and U and of what you taught me about the creek and the topography im gonna look at (N 40.85847 W 72.71996)
Cool, let us know what you find tomorrow. HH, any other public land spots that you can hunt in that area? If you do have access to more public land, that would great. It would give you some options in case too many hunters are out there on the weekends or afternoons.
will do. I know theres a few around here but ive always been apprehensive because i never knew those areas. i think ill check them out on the maps though and maybe scout some of them over the summer. (i only have this week to scout this area because im on spring break from college)
scouted today, saw one deer (didnt get a good look at the head so i dunno if it was a doe or antlerless buck) and about 7 rubs. put my trail cam up at N 40.85756 W 72.71664 also there was no creek running through the area. I waled straight through where it should be and i guess the topo is either old or not correct.
only got a raccoon and a coyote on the trail cam. Also got three hikers who were looking right at the cam. Luckily they didnt take it.
i dunno how to get them from my cam to the internet... I have to figure it out when im back home from school i guess.
dont get discureged about public grounds some monsters have been harvested on public ground. venture out go where no one wants to and thats where you will be succesful on your hunts....
The one thing I have learned about public land is to hunt escape routes. Find the thickest nastiest bedding area you can find then look for faint trails that lead into the mess. Get in early and hunt long over those trials. Once people start stomping around the will push the deer right on by you.