Ok, I know that I am a newbie here and I did a cursory search for the info I am looking for, but didn't find anything. So I am going to throw it out there. This will be my first ever moose hunt and I have no idea how to go about hunting a moose. It is better to bow hunt for moose from a tree stand or stalk them? Is there a grunt or call, if so what is one that works? Is there a good place (besides the internet) to do research on Moose behavior, so that I can understand what I'm hunting better? Do moose have the same sense of smell that deer do? What kind of terrain should I be looking for that a moose would naturally choose to inhabit? I live and will be hunting in Alaska BTW!!! What are signs that a moose has been in the area? Any other info anyone will be willing to share will be appreciated!! Thanks Pete
Congrats on your hunt you lucky dog! I've been to AK for moose twice and would love to be able to afford it again. We stalked them the first trip and floated the second and I couldn't begin to imagine how boring it would be to sit in a tree and wait for them. Yes moose have a great sense of smell. Just look at that shnoze! But unlike deer, moose rely more on their ears. We were told that we should let our clothes get smokey from the camp fire as a cover scent. It seemed to work fine. Grunts and cow calls work the best to locate and call bulls in. The bull grunt is a whuuuh sound. The cow call is high pitched and longer. Although the only time we heard a cow, it sounded like a cat mewing. If you are in AK, you should be able to find someone to show you. If not there are videos that you can watch and listen to. We always hunted along rivers and looked for pinch points much as you would deer. Good luck! If you need a guide just send me a plane ticket. I'd be glad to come up and show you what we learned...
Look for a couple videos called "Love, Thunder and Bull 1 & 2". They'll show you how to call and give you all kinds of great tips on hunting moose. You should be able to find them at either Mtn. View Sports or Sportsman's Warehouse in Anc. The first thing you need to realize is that they're BIG... damn BIG!!! The only one I've weighed was 505#'s of boned out, trimmed meat and it wasn't nearly the biggest that we've killed. Go to the ADF&G web site and learn everything you can about meat care. Getting one out of the field without it spoiling can be a chore if you're inexperienced with it.
There are some massive moose up in AK. Good luck with your hunt. My gf's friends parents own a hunting guide company in AK and I've looked through their website pictures and was amazed by every bull moose that I saw.
Thanks for the Info, I really appreciate it. Speaking of "REALLY BIG" Is there a reccomendation for a good 4-wheeler that I should get? I intend to buy one I just don't know which one is good for hunting purposes.
Big P, you should really check out the "Moose Madness" series from Alex Gouthro... this is possibly the most comprehensive collection on the art of calling and hunting moose. You can check out his website at www.alexgouthro.com his videos were available at Cabelas but after a quick search of their website it didn't come up. I believe it is in the 2009 Cabela's Archery catalog.
I live in Alaska as well and hunt moose every year. Like Rob said, Love, Thunder and bull 1 and 2 are good vidoes... I have them both. The call they use in that is called a Bull Magnet and works really good.You can use it for scraping, cow and bull grunts, hearing better... if you hold it up to your ear, and also imitation of a cow peeing. If you are hunting where there is plenty of moose and the rut is on then calling isn't hard. I called a big one in a few years ago by just choping down a dead tree. Raking trees is a good way to get them in and grunts as well. Signs that moose are in the area are trees that dont have branches from the ground to about 5-6 feet up. Willow bushes that have the leaves stripped off them, and of course tracks and poop. I would spot and stalk. Ive never hunted moose from a treestand. They have incredibly good hearing especially bulls because of the satelite dish sized horns on their head so if you start calling they may take a while to come into it being that they could be a mile or 2 away. Find a good spot where you can see for a ways. Swamps and Willow trees are good spots to find them. heres a couple pics of good moose habitat. They are from a float hunt a few years ago. Good Luck with your hunt.