How much land do you own?? Does anyone else hunt on this land??? If so, Who?? If you lease, How much and what does it cost??
at the moment I strictly hunt family land... however, that ~might~ change this year as I'm going to try some public lands in my area just because they are so much closer than my family lands... edit- our family has about 300ish acres in AL... inlaws have many acres of farmland down in central IL...
I have 30 acres, my family owns 40 that adjoins it. My dad, myself and my 2 sons will hunt it this year, seldom more than 2 at a time though. We had 5 guys on it last year during the firearm season and all had a good time.
I don't own any land. I have permission to hunt around 300 acres of private land between two seperate parcels. There are a couple other hunters that also hunt where I do but they are not out there as much as I and aren't willing to go where I go (they don't like to walk very far or through the thick stuff). I also hunt some public.
I own 20 acres but I can't hunt it (pasture only). Used to hunt about 300 acres for free but my buddy just sold it. The lease we may get this year is about 220 acres of CRP and cultivated with a wooded creek bottom thru it.
I hunt all private land. 90 acres 1.5 miles from home (my parents). 1200 acres shared with 25 members, although only about 14 active bowhunters (about 15 minutes from here).
Family owns 186 acres. Bowhunters= 5 to 6 weekend warriors. My brother and a buddy hunt it 3 to 4 days a week. I only hunt it on Saturday mornings to be with the boys. I have a pretty much sole access to 61 real nice acres, and share access with some gun hunters to 70 other acres. I also have a stand hung on my parent's 9 acre piece that I might hunt once or twice a year. I gave up access to a truly awesome 100 acre parcel due to poachers and trespassers.
130 acres and this year it's going to be my neighbor and his wife and me and my wife. Nobody else wants to help with the chores they don't get to hunt. I also get to hunt my neighbors land which is about 110 acres.
Good friend of mine that I work with has a farm. However, his land is not continuous. He has 60 acres here, 100 acres there, 20 acres here. I think he owns something like 300 acres total. I have access to one of his 60 acre farm fields that has a tree line around it. It basically doesn’t have any woods other than the 10’ deep tree line. I pay him $100 a year for the inconvenience of me being there and share a good portion of my venison with him. I also hunt several public lands nearby. I honestly would give my left nut, (or anything else at my disposal for that matter),without anesthetic, to have a simple 30-40 acre woodlot that I could own. That is my dream and goal of life. 40-80 acres with a small cabin to myself. Those of you that have 300 acres per hunter or whatever, please don’t take it for granted and count your blessings.
Land Owned = 0 Fathers Land = 47 Uncles Land = 53 Those 100 are exclusive (and connected) to me and my brothers, and whoever we invite over to hunt. Its been in the family for over 100 years (used to be more). I have permission for thousands more in 6 Ohio counties.
I have permission for thousands more in 6 Ohio counties.[/quote] How do you get permission to that much land?? That is a lot:d
NE Texas property- friend's land (200 acres)(me only) Centeral Texas property- father's friend's land (1800 acres)(5 guys I know of) East Texas property- my grandfather's land (200 acres)(myself, my uncle and his son) Oklahoma property- my grandfather's brother's land (1200 acres)(myself and his next door nieghbor) I don't know how I got to hunt all this private land without having to pay. It's almost unheard of in Texas. I'd guess 75% of the people who deer hunt in Tx have either got a lease, or pay for a day hunt and neither of them are cheap.
I have a 120 acres of private land that my uncle and I mostly hunt on, there is another guy that bow hunts it, but only a couple times a year. When the gun season roles around there are usually about 10 guys bangin away.
How do you get permission to that much land?? That is a lot:d [/quote] Its all up to who you know. Connections...especially the farming crowd. I must say i hunt the 100 acres and the surrounding 300 or so of land i have permission for about 90% of the time. With working and the fire department, its easier to stay close to home.
i am blessed to live on a nice sized farm. we have a good amount of woods probably 500 to 600 acres total(not all in one area) . alot of it is hunted by either us or we give other ppl we know permission to hunt. but i tend to stick around the same woods. which probably totals around 140-200 acres. my cousin will come up and hunt probably the weekends. but ill be out there 4-5 times a week. during rifle however we have alot of relatives come up and the land get hunted pretty hard by the last weekend.
6.5 acres, lol!!! I hunt on my dads land (130 acres). Yep, there's too many of us. My brother, his wife, myself and possibly the g/f.
300 semi private acres the owner is to nice and tends to allow a few to many hunters on it but at least its bow only. 40 private acres with myself and children being the only hunters 80 acres in atchison county in northern missouri which is awesome hunting but to far away, gotta love inlaws.
I own 1/3rd interest in 475 acres with my parents and my sister's family. 4 adults hunting and 4 kids.
we ( i say we, i mean my dad) owns 2000 acres that we hunt on.. We only allow family (like 7 or 8) to hunt unless it is a friend or customer that wants to shoot a doe