If you like the Buck and want something more custom you can go on there website and they offer a custom engraving option and give you different options for grip material as well. I'm going to pick one up myself For next year.
I'd recommend the Outdoor Edge Razor Pro. It has replaceable blades like a Havalon but with a stiffer back bone and a fold out gut blade. Retail is $75 but you can probably find it cheaper on Amazon or online. Nothing custom about it so it wouldn't be something to pass down from generation like you were wanting in that respect. This will be the next knife I purchase. I currently have a a couple knives from Gerber and Kershaw I really like but this will be the next one. https://www.outdooredge.com/collections/hunting/products/razor-pro?variant=16399691779
Original Belt Knife Trout and Bird knife I've been using D.H Russel Belt knives since I started guiding many years ago. My dad gave me the smaller trout bird knife when I was 13 and still have it and use it. They fit your hand perfect and stay sharp skinning moose, and for deer sharpen only once and gutted and quartered no problem. The blade design is good for gutting, skinning and caping. Made in Canada and an all around perfect hunting knife. I find most people by to big off a knife and I have guided countless people who say oh use this knife, handing me a cumbersome knife good for making kindling. Anyway great knives. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I've been using a Buck Omni folder for gutting deer the last 3 or 4 years, but I'm not overly impressed with it...doesn't seem to hold it's edge very well. I'm looking for some recommendations on a different knife. I'd like to keep it under $100. I don't have a preference as far folder or fixed.
I’ve used either a Case or a Buck folding knife for years. Both hold and awesome edge and I’ve only sharpened them once in the past 10 years. This past season i misplaced them both (now found) so I used a simple rapala 4” filet knife. Not ideal for a hunting knife but it work like a champ. Gut 4 deer with it and it’s still holding and edge just fine.
My girlfriend and I got some new hunting knives a fellow Vets made for us. Love the weight and balance.
@Rick James im a bit of a knife junky and if youre looking for quality i would check these out. These are some of my favorite brands i personally own aside from montana but ive heard amazing things about them. the Tops and esee are youre built like tank work horses. The benchmade are always solid. I really like the hogue offerings. I find almost a bird/trout style knife to be ideal for field dressing deer. Long narrow blade but not too long. https://www.montanaknifecompany.com/ https://www.lionsteel.it/en/ https://www.topsknives.com/ https://www.eseeknives.com/ https://www.benchmade.com https://www.hogueinc.com/knives