I hunt for myself... well my son and I, hunting with him has brought a new meaning to it, everything has changed this season! He has got the same passion that I have for hunting. He likes to be in the woods hunting plain and simple. I'm proud of every deer I shoot or I wouldn't shoot it! I can't wait when Dom shoots one!
Seven .... what is self indulgent about it? Jeff ... you tell me how that sounds? Besides ...I want to see the thread ... PM it to me if you are worried
I think human nature steers most people's ego to want to "impress" or "bragg", its just how we are wired. That being said...I know I don't impress anyone, and don't really care. I hunt for me and that is it. I haven't shot a buck in a long time with my bow, primarily because I haven't had one I wanted to shoot give me the opportunity. I could kill numerous bucks each year if I was out to impress, but I don't. Do people think I suck as a bowhunter because I don't tag big bucks each year? Maybe...and maybe I do, but I don't really care. I've killed my share of small/med ones...don't really care to do it anymore. On the flip side...I have a friend that kills alot each year. He does a decent job in the early season of passing smaller bucks and looking for a good one, but when it gets down to the wire - he'll shoot ANY buck so that he can say he got a BUCK with his bow again this year. I don't understand it, but its what he does. He doesn't ever want it to be said he didn't get a BUCK with his bow "this year". He is actually a pretty good hunter with some nice kills, so I don't understand it - but I don't care either. Its his deal. To each his own.
NY... I appreciate that Jeff..... I know one thing I'll go down swinging and trying harder than last year (if that's possible)
i hunt because i like, no i love it! the one physical thing that i have left to measure myself by. no more scoreboards no more challenging another man. just me my bow and nature. i also hunt for those close to me who cant anymore, and for those i am trying to set a good example for, like those before me did.
I think you all know I hunt for me. I have posted up some small azz deer and I'm damn proud of them. I'd love to kill a big ol buck and post it here with maybe even a little chest thumping but if all I have is a yearling doe to post, well by God I'll do it with pride and enjoy the heck out of it. When I start hunting to impress anyone but me, (and maybe my 4 year old daughter!), I better get some Extends or Enzite because I must be lacking in a different area if I have to impress someone else with what I hunt!
We sometimes (as people in general)look at the same situation and interpet it completely different. I posted a 115-120'sh class buck a few years ago that I shot and mentioned I was disappointed that I misjudged the animal.I wished I had passed and just shot a doe. Many of you took this as I was ashamed of the deer and by saying so I was disrectful to the deer. I knew I would get some of those responses when I posted it. So the question,based on the premise of this thread, did I make the comment as an excuse because I was "hunting for others" and afraid he wouldn't measure up or did I state it because it was truly how I felt (I was hunting for myself and I didn't meet MY goal and didn't care if some of the readers would take my statement as politically incorrect and disresptful. It is okay to differ with someone elses actions/statements/philosphies....but to try and automatically determine their motives... yeah that could be considered self indulgent.
PT, stirring the pot again i see Kill what you want, as long as its legal and have fun doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just like to hunt...(and more recently..film) It would be NICE to have a buck worth bragging about to my friends and driving around with the tailgate down...but it hasnt happened, and im still PUMPED to go out every day. I dont even need to kill a deer to have a successful hunt...sometimes just being out there is good enough for me.
For a young man you sure do have a great grasp of reality. Kudos! Especially the last part of your statement
I never care what others think when it comes to hunting or fishing. I seek advise and give advise when there is an opportunity. I'll shoot what excites me, not what excites someone else. I love showing off my deer mounts (small and large) as much as I like to see someones spiker. Lover hearing their stories and telling mine.
I dont know about anyone else but I hide a big buck when I am fortunate enough to kill one and bring it out of the woods, last thing I want to do is announce it to the locals. When I have a buck that I think can win my local big buck contest I always call the store owner and let him know I have a contender, hes cool, and old highschool friend, he comes out and scores it for me. Or atleast lets me know if I am in the race over the phone based on my score. The last thing I want to do is parade it through town. Again I'd rather be left alone and my hunting spots left alone. I enjoy the online stuff because there is no worry about being bothered. As for hunting for anyone else, yeah I hunt for others, My wife and kids because filling the freezer is as important as any part of hunting. I need 1 elk and at least 2 deer a year to keep my family stocked up. Hunting for anyone else other than my family, thats just nonsense imo.
I hunt for me. Whether it impresses you or not... is not my problem. I would hope most of you wouldn't mind at least sharing a camp fire to talk hunting with me based on what and how I post. I would imagine most of you feel the same though. For the ones who can't stand me or my humor... put your name on the list below... that way I don't waste my time should I ever feel the need to impress but mostly so I can just tell you to bite me. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tim
Flow chart. In an effort to keep us from becoming a fickle bunch, I've created a flow chart. Feel free to print it for future reference.