A local property I can hunt.... I was not planning on going there tomorrow. But it is a nice bit of woods between two cornfields. The farmer who owns it will be harvesting corn off the fields tomorrow. Is this a good thing, bad thing or indifferent thing to my chances to see more deer there? TIA!
It won't bother the deer at all. Back when my uncle was around and farmed, he said the deer would actually walk alongside his combine while he was taking the beans/corn out.
My dad shot his best deer ever that came out of a corn field that was being picked at the time. I always am upset if I miss the day it gets picked.
It's a great thing as far as I'm concerned. When the corns being harvested deer are running all over because a lot of deer typically would hang out or bed in that corn field until now. Get out there and good hunting!
Its a great time to hunt!! like mentioned before, the deer scatter usually and usually to the nearest woods. I have shot (gun) a few deer harvesting late corn.
I've hunted during corn harvests three times and have never seen a deer. However, it seems I have bad luck because the farmer told me several times he has witnessed deer that have run right to and under one of my stands while cutting corn. I just was not there that day. I would always try and be there during the harvest if you can. You know they are going to be on their feet which certainly can't hurt.
I've got a really good relationship with the landowner whose farms I primarily hunt all year... he'll call me the day before he plans on taking the corn out so I can be in a tree somewhere in the vicinity. It's never worked for me to take a bruiser, but I've doubled up on some does coming to the field in the evening to feed on the freshly picked corn.
Last year I thought I would get lucky. The owner knew I was there hunting and combined it so everything would come out my side at the end. We both were suprised only one buck came out and he was a dink... but I got a real nice doe out of the deal. Tim
I love hunting when the farmer who farms my brothers land Is taking the corn out. So far I haven't saw a bruiser yet but I've been close. Every time after the field Is finished I'll do a walk around to see If I can find any good tracks exiting the corn field. On 2 different occasions I've found nice buck tracks running out of the field. One of these years I'll be In the right spot.
Love hunting when we are picking corn. You never know what is going to com out. I've seen some monsters come out and sometimes nothing has come out. It all depends on the circumstances of the day.
I've seen a lot of deer move out of the corn during picking. if I were you i'd be adjacent that corn field tomorrow.
If you can sit all day I would do it. If its a small enough field and the farmer can get the whole field picked in one day there will be deer in that field that night. The combine can not get all the ears so some will fall on the ground of even over flow from the hopper which the deer will find and eat
I immediately recoiled at the amount of spellpower I would have to drop to gain a sizable amount of crit. plus, the gains seemed too small to make a big difference. What could 3 percent really do? Plus, I was still trading off spellpower for a chance to apply extra absorption, not a guarantee. The extra spellpower, on the other hand, would affect every shield I cast. Things seemed doubtful for crit, but I was determined to give it a fair shot.