We all went to camp for a picnic. Great time on a beautiful day. Played games and enjoyed the grand kids. Then I went for a walk about. Man not one of the guys stands are safe to use and my old ladder stand is in a dead tree. Tons of acorns everywhere, great apples as well. Son had mowed some trails, deer and bear scat all over. Here's camp and a view across valley.
I was looking at that "Across Valley " pic, does not show at all the drop beyond those little trees in the forefront of pic. Its a 250 yard sharp drop. What is a heart attack hill. Man we use to drag deer up it back in the day before ATV's. It would take a couple of hours.
Thanks may need more than that. A few years ago I had a complete tear in the ACL. I have arthritis in both knees and my surgeon wouldn't do a surgical repair because. "Your going to need 2 knee replacements eventually" so it was rehab for 6 months.. which actually worked great. But now the "popping is back big time.
I have torn both ACL's in both of my knees. I know your pain. My Dr said no knee replacement until I'm 55. Seen him at age 50 almost 51. I'm 54 now. Left knee was replaced in 1990. Right one was in 2005 or 2006? I'm going to need both done. My knees are crap
I have avoided it thus far. I did have 2/3 of meniscus removed and arthritis "scraped" in right knee about 6 yrs. ago. Apparently they plan on me living a long time for surgeon said I was too young in my late 50's...lol Have to say cutting trees and stacking logs draging tops... Made my knee feel better. Just sore as usual now. Many years ago I woke up amd realized I didn't feel any pain. The kids were young then. I lay on bed a very long time crying. My brain just could not process anything other than I was parylized. It kept telling me you don't want to know ,so I lay there terrified to move. The kids woke up and I knew I had to. I believe it was the darkest moments of a rather...eventful life. Though bright side, not ,and it lasted for a week.