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Hunting an Oak Flat

Discussion in 'Introductions - New User Forum' started by 4JOutdoors, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. 4JOutdoors

    4JOutdoors Newb

    Apr 10, 2017
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    UP of Michigan
    Hello All!

    First time poster, 4 year bowhunter from North Michigan here!! Excited to pick all your brains and learn!

    I recently gained permission to bowhunt an 80 acre parcel here in Houghton County from a family friend. This weekend's scouting trip found a sizeable oak flat on a ridge, which is rare for up here. Not many oaks around, especially in clumps. All in all I would estimate this flat to be 20yds by 20yds with 15+ mature oaks. I've talked to the landowner and they have approved any minor improvements I want to make to the flat. Now the question is, what to do next!?

    Should I try and throw in a poor man plot (clover or oats maybe?) in or nearby the flat? Should I put in a water hole? Mineral site? Leave it alone? I've never had an opportunity at a natural attractant like this and am looking for solid advice! At the very least I think I will fell the non-oaks in the flat to reduce the competition for them...

    Like I said, this patch of oaks is on top of a ridge that runs North South with thick tag alder and aspen saplings in the bottom on either side. Very much a funnel, that's how I found the patch to begin with. Already plenty of buck sign too, lots of rubs from past years in close proximity!

    Thanks to all, and shoot straight!
  2. Hatfield Hunter

    Hatfield Hunter Weekend Warrior

    Dec 30, 2016
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    central wi
    in a ear of abundant acorns you have a hot spot--In a year of no acorns or very little you may as well go somewhere else, My experience with small oak groups is to back off about 50 to 100 yards downwind, look for a faint trail that paralells the oak ridge, that is where bucks will scent check that ridge. I would not "do" anything there except wait for abundant acorns ,

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