It is my understanding that thick stands of pine can be up to 10 degrees warmer than the ambient temp. They also can cut down of the wind. Thick laurel stands seem to have some of these attributes also. I have gone in them and felt the temperature change but can't vouch for 10 degrees although it felt like more when windchill was factored in.I try to get near spots like these if I am going to hunt the colder, windier days.
If the weather stays mild it would take a small miracle to harvest a mature buck for me. If the temps drop off and a foot of snow I place odds back in my favor.The buck I'm after beds within a 1/2 a mile of good food sources I would need something to get him moving early to get him.
Well my 2008-2009 buck was shot Jan.5th, 2009. It can be done, and to be honest... last year wasn't hard. I set-up a game camera on a trail... had several bucks using it daily, set-up for the first time on the evening of the 5th and ended up seeing several different bucks and shooting one of them. I have hunted the late season a few times in the past and had no luck at all.
Josh that buck still alive ? Good points one sides of ridges due to wind as well.. Our bucks out here get a ton of south west winds so they bed over the northern sides just about 1/3 the way down from the top to have SW prevailing wind at their back.. then they lay eyes facing down the northern slope with daily thermals blowing up to them.. so they get prevailing wind from one direction and thermals from the other.. tough to sneak up on.. there is always a point up on those ridges or in those northern bowls of timber where the winds /thermals bank into each other and swirl a lot as well.
This is some dang good information fellas. Thanks a ton. This is the type of stuff I love hearing and learning about.
Let me ask this... Let's say you are only allowed to hunt pressured, post rut, late season bucks. You can't step a foot in the woods until this time. If you put all your energy into scouting and coming up with a gameplan for just this specific scenario just like you do before opening day of bow season and hit the woods on day one with the same dedication and enthusiasm as opening day of bow season do you think your success would be better or wouldn't matter?
I Georgia we get 3 weeks or so with the bow and then the gun seasons come in and run all the way through.
I am really stoked for late season this year. It's not due to thoughts of filling my ever lonely buck tag, it's just fun to be out when the woods are so traquil. MY first bow kill was a late season doe. I would be completely happy duplicating that this year. I also will be hunting with my father in law and trying ot get him on his first archery deer.
Slim to none by Rybo, we hunt the same state so we know. Small miracle. I've killed does in the last season over food sources and on mini quiet pushes but I've never even seen a buck in second season.
In my opinion, for what it's worth (and don't ask my wife), it's crap shoot. I have spent numerous hours freezing my bee-hind off and have never scored on a buck. If I'm out after gun season, it's for a doe tag to fill. Of course, this is a territorial kind of thing. If you're knee deep in deer, like I'm not, all the best to you.
Seeing a legal Buck will be a MIRACLE Now after talking to a couple of the neighbors several bucks have been taken on the property and properties around i hunt. The BIG BUCK in the area i was hunting behind the house was killed on the first day of rifle season. 8PT 21 or 22 in spread. Sorry PT He was killed close to where we were hunting the First Day of Archery season. By the FARMERS SON who is laid off of Work.
Pretty Slim. I've shot several doe's and one big bodied buck that had lost its horns ( i thought it was a huge doe). I still do love to get out in late season, hopefully we have some snow on the ground.
Honestly, I am getting excited about the after gun season here in Illinois. If the weather cooperates I'll rate my chances at slightly less than before gun season because the bucks will be back looking for does and a couple of areas I'll be hunting will not have been pressured as highly as some others. I am hoping for a few light snows during the times I am able to hunt.