Is it worth it to hunt the next morning after a full moon... I know I'll never know unless I go so I'm going no matter what... I just wanted everyones opinions and see if anyone has had any luck after a full moon or even better luck?
Anytime in the next couple weeks after the full moon will be the best of the season. Be out there rain, wind, snow or sleet.....the bucks will be or are on the move.
I went today and had absolutely no movement at all. I didn't even see anything on the drive in. However, a friend of mine went to another spot across the county and had all kind of movement. He had a total of eleven deer move by him in a one hour time period. I always heard after a full moon the hunting really gets wild to and down right stinks. I to am interested in some other hunters experiences.
Mcarrnett I was out this morning only because of the cloud cover and the light drizzle,other wise no use going,the deer bed earlier ,I for instance had 8 does come by at 7:40 and 1st shooting light was 8:03, I was ticked. Had a good 130 5x4 chocolate come in at 9:30 though ,but decided to let him walk,to early to give up hopes of a wall hanger. Rocky PS the weather is the holder of the cards!!!
Days on or close to the full moon have often been when I have seen the most buck activity so I'm not sure why so many people complain about the full moon? But it helps if you are willing to hunt more than just a couple hours in the morning or evening. To be honest...I really don't care which moon phase it is...I have had some good hunts during each of them.
Didn't have alot of activity at the stand but heading out I got within 30 yards of a good buck ,too far of a shot for the light conditions. Walked almost 10 yards on a young doe, but can't shoot them on that property. Anyway alot of movememnt last night. My buddies stand had deer around it from 4:45 til dark. And the other friend who hunts there is a game warden and he ended his hunt early to chase a few gun shots on a neighboring property.
Deer Movement During the full moon Common Belief - Deer do not move after a full moon .... Truth - ignore common belief I have seen TONS of morning movement the last few days..and so has my bro and nephew .... Here is real truth: (for MOST of us, anyway) YOU CAN'T KILL DEER UNLESS YOUR OUT THERE!!!!!
I went out 2 mornings in a row last week, right before the full moon, Amazing movement, starting at around 8 and not ending till noons, with bucks showing up around 9. Chasing, the whole bit. My dad went to one of my stands last night and Shot one of my 2.5 y/o -_- he was apretty nice 8 point. hit the back shoulder no blood whatsoever. didnt find him. I am going back tomorrow to look. >_<
ive always seen deer no matter the moon wind or rain. Ive heard that they react different but their still walking past my stands. The only thing im having a problem with is that the bucks arent moving yet during shooting hours cause of the weather is so hot. But they all come off of my neighbor so if i set up on him they would cause their always moving i believe.(except when their bedded down)
I was out yesterday and never saw the first deer. Maybe the moon had something to do with it maybe not. You're not going to kill deer if you're home in bed/not out there. Besides you might get a shot at something other than deer.
I always make sure I'm hunting the midday hours around a full moon, considering if deer are up all night running around and feeding, then they like to bed back down early morning and get back up mid-morning throught he noon hours. I have seen alot of activity at these times. Thats why I get excited about all day sits, hunt that 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m. window!
I hunt when ever i get the chance and try to make an all day deal. my biggest factor is which stand and the wind decides that for me. I do pay attention to the moon when its over head and use it as a confedence boster, nothing more. In a given week my hunting buddys go hunting 3 times more than I, but I will put more hrs on stand then they will.