I think it varies based upon situation. If I knew there would be an issue I would keep my distance. I don't really hunt any "fencelines" per say, however, I do have some small tracts of private woodlands and I have set up close to property lines. To the best of my knowledge, no one hunts the adjoining properties and they are not legally posted from the side I am on. I stay off of the land I don't have formal permission to be on, however, where I generally hunt, the land needs to be legally posted to prevent someone from coming over the line. I just don't want any problems. I will, however, cross onto the neighboring unposted property to track / retrieve and animal unless I come up against posted signs. Then I will take the necessary steps to legally proceed.
the way your OP was worded it sounded to me like they posted right at your stand as a warning as if assuming you would cross the line just because you were hunting right on the line. I personally would take that as a bit disrespectful. Now that I understand the layout a bit more, I'd say you are going out of your way to be considerate rather than being bullied.
So, as I had hoped. Almost two to one in favor of at least trying not to cause issues with a neighbor. That will keep you out of court.
Well, you gotta push hard if you want to be "famous" on the internet as a big buck killer. The craving for notoriety has claimed more than a few.
Well, once videos were deleted and a grown woman dissed a kid for shooting a three year old buck on his dead grandpas farm, the pot was just too tempting. Sad state of where we are with wanting publicity for killing big bucks. Boone & Courts.