I was reading a thread on another site about WV Bowhunters not wanting gun hunters to hunt in their bow only countys. Now we have gun hunters getting bowhunting banned in Tennessee . We don't need to worry about peta, we need to worry about our selfish, shortsighted hunting community. http://www.bowhuntingworld.com/ArticleContent.aspx?id=523
I spoke out in the WV thread about the selfishness! Some of the comments I was getting from those bowhunters were pretty ignorant to say the least! Now the ignorance is coming from some gun hunters. I really, and I mean really don't get why someone cares or denounces what weapon ones chooses to hunt with.
Just what we need. Heck, you see hunters pitting against fellow hunters using the SAME weapon of choice. It's the classic case of taking what you have for granted, and if we drive our sport into the ground, many of these people won't realize what they lost until it's gone.
I agree with the others. There's enough space/game for everyone. Let's realize who the real enemies are such as Peta, gun-control advocates, etc. We have seasons in Wi. for each type of hunt. Although you can use a bow during gun season, but you have to wear blaze orange.