My friend of 27 years is also a bowhunter. He wants to go on a guided whitetail hunt in the fall of 2010 and he wants me to go too. I have never paid for hunting - ever. Despite military moving, I have always found and successfully hunted really good spots. I don't have any Boone and Crockett bucks on the wall but I have killed some respectable ones on my own. I tune my own bows, fletch my own arrows and hang all of my own stands because self-sufficiency is part of hunting - for me. However, this guy has been my friend for a very long time. To say he has been there for me would be a huge understatement. He would be very dissappointed if I canceled and it's not like I'll be suffering. The hunt is expensive but I can afford it. It would be a free-ranging whitetail bowhunt so success is far from guaranteed. I would love to kill a monster but I am not quite as excited as I should be because I hate the dependency on an outfitter/guide. Should I go?
I feel the same way you do. If he's that good of a friend, he'll understand how you feel. I'm sure it would be a good time though.
Do what you feel Is right for you, not for anyone else. You can think of your buddy but you also gotta think for yourself as well, regrets aren't always good so make sure you think It thru. Good luck If you go, I hope ya stick a biggin!
Make two lists, one of the +'s and one of the -'s and go with the list that has more on it's side. There are more considerations on a hunt like this than just the hunt itself.
Thanks for all the repsonses. If I shot a pig then it would easier to get over my own self-sufficiency.
Memories are memories go have fun life is not over if you use an outfitter. Some day I will hunt Sask. and you have to use one up there so go have fun if you can afford it and make some great memories with a great friend.. Walt
If you can afford it, and are not married, go for it. Like you said, memories of a lifetime to be made.
Who says you're married to the guide on this type of hunt? I really believe you are attacking this thing with preconceived notions. Who says you cannot hang your own tree stand on a guided hunt? You have the ability to make choices and you should exercise them! When you get there, simply tell your guide that you would like to be as much a part of the hunting as he. Hang your stands after you have taken a day or two to scout (you might get there early). If you're hunting from the ground, have him follow you if you care to lead. There are no set in stone rules on guided hunts. The several that I have been on, where a guide was legally required, turned out most excellent! Both guide and hunter bounced ideas and information off of each other-to the point that I never felt I was being guided. It was more like two very close friends enjoying the woods together. It can be that same way for you. Who knows, when you leave, you might have a second friend to consider every year....