Local shop has a Buffalo coming in. How does this bow compare to the Gamemaster II? I like the GM, its less expensive than the Buff. How do either compare to the Dorado? Don't want a "cheap" bow that sours me to the experience but don't want to spend a mint. Which of the three might be the better long term value? I like the opportunity to shoot off the radiused rest as opposed to flipper style of other like class bows, and the versatility of interchangable limbs. I'm not a brand snob, never owned a Hoyt before, never shot recurve befor. Any thoughts?
Never heard of the Buffalo. With that said, it would be hard for me to give my opinion on any type comparison. But, I have shot the GM and the Dorado. Of those two, "I" prefer the Dorado, hands-down. I'd hunt with the Dorado in a second. It's a solid choice.