Tracking Bucks Haven't had a chance to get out bow hunting yet - too busy at work. We have trail cameras set up and have been checking them. I found a site where I can record the sightings of deer and can track and manage my hunting land so when I go I can find the hot spots. Might be something you want to try.
I'm right there with ya my friend. Probably wasn't a good idea to wait until I was 30 to start hunting I guess! Been out twice so far, one morning and one evening and have yet to see a deer. Pretty sure I'm not doing something right as I can see deer sign everywhere. Trying to scrape up some money for a trail camera or two but I think its going to be a rough 1st season.
Its been in thbe 80s here in central illinois for the last week. Need some cool weather. Went out last Tuesday and was sweatin pretty good by the time I was in the stand.
No bucks in the stand so far in NJ, but its very early. Very big bodied, wide spread 7, a 10-pointer and a 12-pointer along with 5 or 6 other average/small bucks. Bumped into two monsters the other morning while walking to the stand. 170 acres of corn are still up which is attracting loads of bear. Shaping up to be a good season, just need the temperature to start dropping. Srapes and rubs all over the property has me excited for rut in a few weeks though.
Weather has been all over the place, from freezing rain and wind to near 80. Haven't been able to pinpoint anything to date. Hoping in another week or two things really pick up.
Been pretty warm out but got it done the 10th I shot mine around 615 and out of the same tree the girlfreind shot her first deer with a bow at 622. Was warm out so had to cut em up quick. Seen way to many does this year and only 4 bucks.