We have ZERO here at my place in VA. I think the hard frost we had in May must have got em. ? I've not been seeing hardly any deer in the past month at all. Day or night, anywhere around here. Very few rubs, and no scrapes yet on our land. No idea where they are. Last year we had a bumper crop...deer were everywhere. Will be interesting to see how this affects deer movement and sightings. We have no crops anywhere around us, not sure where they go. Still plenty of browse, just no nuts. A few years ago the acorn crop was zilch as well...I literally saw like 15 deer the whole season. Same with all my neighbors. Muzzleloader comes in Saturday, a good amount of hunters will hit the woods. I guess we'll see.
very sporadic!....some areas are loaded, then just down the road, nothing!...weird, dont remember it ever being this hit or miss....look around some more, maybe there is a "honey hole" somewhere....
I would say it isn't as good as last year and I am not sure why? Maybe too much rain in the spring? IDK!
Exactly the same here in SW VA. I can't find any acorns (white or red). There are still piles in the ground from last year but they're all rotten of course. No scrapes (just the ones I've made) and a few rubs. I can't even call a deer in and they usually respond by now. Did just see a buck of some sort bothering a doe just now. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Last year was awful for us in N MO. We had Zero. This year is better but still not great. I've read that they come in cycles so hopefully we're moving in the right direction. -D
The woods behind my grandma's house is full of acorns, but they must be the wrong kind as I am not seeing much in the way of deer signs.
Up where I was last weekend in Vilas country here in Wisconsin, it was awesome... Which wasnt a very good thing as far as trying to figure out where to hunt. The area I hunted was full of oaks and there were Acorns everywhere I stepped. And you could see where the deer had been eating...only trouble was they were eating everywhere...you couldnt pin point a separate area to concentrate on.
Yeah, that can sometimes be bad too. When its like that, I try to hunt near bedding area or water source. They don't have to move much to get food. Thats how it was last year here.
Where I hunt they were actually pretty good this year. Sporadic in some places, but overall much better than the last two years. Up until a couple weeks ago, they were raining from the trees.
Last year was a great crop. We have had standing corn on one property 3 years in a row and last year the deer stayed primarily in the woods to feed on the acorns. Not so much the case this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk www.skyangler.com
Was out a couple of weeks ago when they were dropping around here... it was a constant shower of the damn things , I got hit probably 15 times. Needless to say their is tons.
Tons here. Problem is property I'm hunting has no oaks and the neighboring property has lots. uhghghgngnhghh.
We have a good crop going in Mississippi, as far as I can tell. They are just starting to fall and so far it looks like it will be a good year for them.
funny you ask here in california the number of trees with acorns is sparse too , we thought it was dry conditions here last spring , interesting that they are sparse in other areas alson , maybe it has something to do with the leaves starting falling off the trees here in augaust,,,