Hi, my name is Brian. I am an outdoors guy. I have always deer and pheasant hunted, but did not bow hunt for over 12 years. I got back into it last year. Bought some property, a bunch of ladder stands and some cameras. Happy to be back. I was drawn back after watching a season of Bowhunt or Die. I am very interested in the sciences (may be why I am a scientist/ engineer by degree) I ran an electronic contract manufacturing company for 9 plus years until I decided to sell it. Went back to the corporate world, but still have that itch to do my own thing. So with a good friend, I started a new company. We decided to use a different name than I mentioned earlier and are now Nelson Creek Outdoors. Our first product is being tested by some board members now. While incomplete, the website is up. http://www.nelsoncreekoutdoors.com. Let me know if you like it. See any errors, that would be helpful too. Don't worry about broken links; there are still many. Glad to be here!