Put my ground blind out today... didn't hunt it, I'm hunting with a co-worker in Wythe County for a couple of days, But I did get it out there... Let me tell you though... If they made a ground blind to look like this.... I could shoot the crap out of some deer....lol. Anyway, here's my Ground Max vision all set up... if you see anything that stands out to you, or you would do differently let me know...
Looks better than most any blind I've seen brushed in. I'd try and brush in the bottom of the blind below the windows as well as you did the top. it looks killer, just hope the black holes don't give you away. Good luck with it. Are those plastic wrapped hay bales?! Seems pretty inefficient to cover em individually if so.
Yep... thats how he "Rolls"... most of them are white, I guess he ran out... I can guarantee you though, individually wrapped hay bales, doesn't hurt his wallet a bit...
If you're shooting fixed blade, I'd put up the screens and shoot through them. I've always heard that the black holes will spook deer, unlike turkeys. Let me know what your experience is.
the mesh doesn't change the color of the inside of the blind, so as long as you don't plan on leaving the blind for a stand, I'd still wear black.
uuummm. Yeah... two guys in a closed in close range environment.... For sure, will have to, most undoubtably, have to open a window at some point...! lol.
Loks great. I'd leave the windows open all of the time. Allow the deer to get used to the black holes, shouldnt take long. Hope you do well hunting from it.