Think about it for a moment...mankind used to hunt to we live to hunt... are we any better off for it? Man used to have to hunt for his food to stay alive and we go to work to stay alive and hunting has become our passion/enjoyment...The older I get, the more I just want live a much simpler life ....Just sayin..
Aldo Leopold lamented about society saying when children believe that breakfast comes from the store and heat comes from a furnace society is in danger. I am very happy that my kids grew up raising chickens for meat and eggs. They ate venison from the ranch too. They had to carry in wood and tend the stove. Put up hay and firewood it was good for them.
Hell even when I was a kid in the 80’s it was mandatory chores for me. Cutting and stacking wood, mowing lawn, cleaning, laundry, dishes. I didn’t get by with slacking. There was no play time till the work was DONE. No Excuses. Period. The End.
I got grounded the day I got hit by a car because I was supposed to be mowing grass after school. Granted I walked away my bike ruined and I pissed my pants but I walked away from getting hit at county road speed.
I daughter called a few months back and thanked me. She met friends at school and can appreciate having a work ethic now. It's up to us. They are products of our efforts.
" I thought my name was get wood until I was about 10 years old" Earl Campbell. Tyler TX.. the great running back.. I remember my main chore in the winter was, "hey you, fill the wood box up!" to heat the wood stove... I hated, but sure glad I had to do it now...
John Randle the viking great said cutting and splitting wood lead to his success in the NFL. I hand split oak for many years, still have my prized splitting maul a 13 pound head on a 36" fiberglass handle.
Heck I could hit a deer with the truck every other day if I tried. Keep a 12 gauge loaded could eat pheasant a couple days a week road hunting.
Agreed, a more natural simpler life is preferred for me personally. But to play devils advocate, the population of this country has grown immensely and the sheer number of people who are here...there is no way to support those numbers in the hunting woods. Public and private both, there would not be enough places for people to hunt if every able bodied adult went hunting. So I'm glad a large majority of the population lives in urban cities and buys food from the store. May sound selfish, but it's a reality.