The wind wasn’t my friend either this year. You’re not alone. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Excellent work! Congrats on the great buck! What’s your trick? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Between EHD and poachers it was a pretty crummy year here. I've spent the past few weekends with fly rod in hand. Glad others had a good one.
I learned from what I saw the deer doing the last year from and moved in closer to travel routes to bedding from neighboring properties. I’ve always set up cameras over a mineral rock, and while that’s all fine and dandy for fun before the season, I wasn’t seeing the deer come October. After I was done hunting this year, I’ve moved my cameras to travel routes and am getting more day time pics. So that is going to be used for future info. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still have a camera over a mineral rock, but that’s not going to decide how I hunt next year Case in point: Put a camera on an intersection of a well worn path at the top of a ridge at the end of a rub line. So, next year I have to figure out how to get all the way back there with out blowing the woods out.
I usually base the success of a season by what I learn. I'm always learning...some year's are ok...some are good...some are great, this was a great year. But in defense of the last 3 year's or so, it was a collective effort leading up to this point. I found a few common threads that tie together available habitat, density, age structure and social structure...which in turn ties cores to diversity, variety, access and sanctuary. A buck doesn't consciously seek out and established a core area. He subconsciously is attracted to a spot the provides what he needs to survive through out the majority of the a base camp so to speak. With this in mind, one can not only predict where a mature buck's core will be...but also break it down, dissect and hunt the core through a "layered approach" as the season cycles through all it's stages and changes.
I guess it is! Congrats on that one. If that buck was killed in Pa, I think you have a poor chance of bettering him, but good luck.
In pa on public ground. I would say my chances are pretty good to get another of that caliber. Here are a few of many I have on cam.
This was my best season yet. Was able to take two with my bow with one for the wall! Never killed more than 1 deer in a season nor a mature buck until this season. My lone buck came from my annual bow trip to Oklahoma and my doe was on my lease in TX. My goal for next season like always, is to kill a mature buck on my lease in my home state.
My 1st bow season (best season) harvested this Doe on Nov 3rd in the evening. Harvested my Buck on Nov 9th early morning in the fog decoy doe on food plot 30 yards 10 ring double lung. Crazy good season along wth the time with family Hunting the rut in Pa. so much fun! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My season is still going till the end of the month. Missed the buck I’ve been chasing for the past 4 weeks at 40yrds a couple of days ago. He jumped the string and arrow went right over his back. Lost the arrow on top of that. Little discouraged now but not giving up. Got a new spot that will bring them in a little closer if they come thru. A lot of sign and what seems like should be a bigger buck might be hanging around Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This has been the best season I’ve had since I started bow hunting 4 years ago. Although I have had the least amount of time to hunt it all came together on Oct. 28th and I was able to Harvest my biggest buck to date. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Definitely my most memorable hunt here in NJ. Run and gun set up on public land. Grunted him in and shot him at 15 yards. Had to go get the boat to get him out. Heaviest buck shot to date. I also killed a doe on public but the coyotes ate her up before I was able to retrieve her. Most mature buck sightings I have seen ever this season. Never sat in the same tree more than twice.
Relatively slow... My daughter shot this nice buck during MA youth season with the muzzleloader and I shot a mature buck with the bow in MA. I also took a small buck in NY, but had other opportunities in NY. Slow season and disappointing after what I saw on camera.