Hi Guys, im going on a bow mountain lion hunt this coming January. It will be a guided hunt, with dogs, so obviously the lion will be up a tree when i shoot it. I was wondering how i could practice for this or if it affected the arrow flight at a distance of 25 yards or less?
Several 3D shoots I've been to actually pull a target into a tree with a rope. Just throw one over a limb and pull it up.
Make sure that you don't miss and to be sure you might want to shoot in a safe place because that arrow will go a long ways.
Ya, even though we assume that's a given, good job pointing that out! Sorta like the McDonalds coffee cup, yeah it's hot! LOL
You will be hunting in the mountains and will not be shoot right under the tree. Chances are you will be very close to level with the Cat when you shoot, if you walk to the up hill side of the tree. I hope you are in very good shape. You may chase your cat for 20 mile up and down the mountains. It is not ease to keep up with dogs!!
I was going to say that as well.In addition to your practicing,I would made sure your in good shape.I understand making the shot is the easy part,making it to where the dog's have the lion tree'd is the really challenging part.
Yep, it was about 3 mill hot, if remember correctly :D And like Rob, I've shot them at 3D shoots with no problems (if you can imagine that ). Put it in an extremely safe place and remember that misses (lost arrows) can be costly.
Remember the physics of shooting it is the same as if you were in a treestand but just the oppisite. Draw straight out and then bend at the waist back instaed of down and keep your form.. Walt
You'll need close to 500 yds of "safety zone". :D I launched an arrow out into the lake this spring, 457 yards.... curiosity satisfied!