significant other to support your hunting. I've had this predicament for years. Sara can't understand how I can go out and turkey hunt and be done in a maximum of two days and yet while deer hunting it can take days, weeks, months... Since retired, I grew a beard last year. This only magnified the problem as she does not like me in a beard. This year, I told her I was not growing a beard, but needed a ritual. So I said even though most of my friends grow beards for the season, I would just dry shave my chin but could not trim my moustache until I either put a buck down or my season ends. She agreed to that on September 30th while I had a military regulation 'stache. Now, 22 days later, she's adament that I get out there and hunt every day. The 'stache is down past my lower lip and she wants it out of here.:D There was a day last week when there was lightning to go along w/heavy rain and she wanted to know why I wasn't going hunting. I guess she would be open to having insurance money and telling the mortician to shave that freaking moustache off!!! She has asked for a bow so she can learn to bow hunt and if I can afford something reliable, I will purchase it for her to give it a try, but am seriously doubtful if she could sit still and keep quiet long enough to get a deer. If anyone knows of a cheaper/easier way to get support from non-hunting significant others, please let me know!
Sorry man, wish I did. I just bought my wife a bow and told her if she shoots it and practices all year, maybe does a couple of 3D shoots this next year, that I would take her deer hunting next year....maybe. I am glad she is showing an interest...and who knows....maybe it will be something we can do together and earn me even more time in the woods.
I guess I am lucky! My honey (girlfriend but will be my wife one of these days) likes to fish, hunt and all that good stuff. She doesn't care for deer hunting as she gets bored but doesn't mind when I am out hunting (Because it is quiet in the house and she can sleep until lunch... lol). Secondly, she loves my hunting beard... she loves it so much that she was upset when I shaved it off in the summer. (I had to shave it, it gets hot down here in louisiana and I work outside)
Mine wasn't too keen on me hunting all the time, but I told her to get used to it, that this was how I am. She dealt with it, then we were talking about all the cool stuff I've seen while in the woods once. She decided she wanted to go with me one time. So I took her to a buddy stand of mine about a week ago, I wasn't planning on shooting anything since she was with me, but I took the bow any ways. We basically just sat and watched the deer and squirrels play around and she thought it was a blast. I also explained to her on the way in about scrapes and rubs since we had seen a couple. I explained every detail of the hunt as to why we were in which stand and how the wind affects where we could sit. She had alot of fun, wants to go again, only problem is that she doesn't think she could ever kill anything, which means, I don't think I could shoot anything in front of her. So I think if I take her again, it will be more of an "observation" sit. We ended up seeing a 130" that night. Her heart was PUMPIN' right along with mine. I told her if he came in she was gonna have to close her eyes, cuz I was shootin'! LOL
My wife used to tag along with me on some hunts until I killed a turkey while she was with me. That was pretty much the end of that as she didn't like that thing flapping all around in the field after I shot.
Few maybe but certainly not alone. My wife thinks I am crazy for spending so much time up in a tree in all kinds of weather, but she just laughs about it and goes on. She is very supportive/understanding of my addiction, but has zero desire in doing so herself. I like it that way as well. She will help me process one from time to time and likes to eat venison very much.
Jill used to hunt with me quite a bit. We had a blast, while it lasted. Now, with the little boy and another on the way, she has other interests. Just fine with me.
I dont have significant other, jutsr girlfriends.. My last one didnt mind me hunting, but hated the FD, it didnt work... My current loves everything about hunting except she has no patience, and shes ON a FD, so it works out pretty well.. I cant grow facial hair so i cant help you out there
Cheaper? Sorry man, I can't help you there. Mine has jumped in with both feet and it's costing me a fortune in gear! Now I'm wondering when I'll ever get to hunt again instead of playing personal guide and sherpa for her... Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it.
I upgraded my S.O. to one who can hunt and doesn't act like a 3 year old. The only downside is that when he brings home a deer it cuts into my deer hunting time when I process it. (tho he certainly helps with deer) Sorry, I know that's not advice.. :D
My wife actually is hunting more and more as our boys are getting older. Its been fun, she and I have been out a few times already trying to find her an elk, she wants to shoot another buck this year too. All rifle for her though.
My wife is pretty simple...if I support her the entire year in her basketball coaching, then she will support my little 3 month hunting season. Seems pretty even huh?
same boat...although I'd take her tomorrow if she asked...she's never going to ask. Luckily she grew up in a hunting family and totally understands, will eat the deer, and supports me getting the kids into it.