First off, I know diddly about trad. shooting. I have a 45# Bear Grizzly and I need arrows. Steve says I should try 2016's (this is what Easton recommends as well). Easton also recommends FMJ 500's. I have questions about Aluminums vs. Carbons. 1st, I do my own arrow building. I have been cutting/squaring/fletching/inserting my own arrows since I started bowhunting. Question - Is it more of a pain in the butt to build/maintain Aluminums? If so, I will probably go with the FMJ's. That leads me to the question in my thread title. How will I get a FMJ at 26" to have the maximum penetration it can possibly have? I have been reading all the talk of broadhead weight/FOC/and weight tubes etc. I guess I am really looking for advice (step by step, cause I have severe brain farts at times) on where to start. Any suggestions? I want an arrow that will kill a deer out of my setup. Period. Thanks, LAEq
1. I am not sure if I am relegated to 26" Jeff. 2. I have read this, but not quite sure how it will change arrow flight characteristics, and how much weight you can add. 3. I am not real familiar with how aluminums are put together, but from what I have read, they are a little different than Carbons. (ie., they bend, Nocks are different, inserts are different) 4. I am not real concerned about the fletching. I've got that down. (Carbons are easy to me.) The Inserts and Nock receivers on Aluminums just seem more of a hastle. They may be easier. Let's here from some Aluminum vets here. LAEq
I'm thinking If your going to shoot 2016's LT that your not going to be able to get the higher FOC that people are getting with the heavier and bigger aluminum's and specially not the carbons. If your going to try and weight up the tip of that 2016 I'd suggest keeping them short as you can to keep them stiff as possible. I'm learning on this too LT (adding weight stuff). It's new to me, I just tried this last night (beefing up my tip weight) and It worked for me on my 2216's but I'm still not at what I wanted for FOC. I came out at 12.5%, I was at 7.1%.
That is what I am trying to figure Steve. I don't think I will be able to get the Carbons to work like I want them to. (May be wrong) I think if I cut the 2016's as short as possible and put extra weight and a big(ger) broadhead on the business end, I may get close to what I am after. I am probably going to be stuck at a 15yd limit until I up my poundage later on. Just my thinkin'. LAEq
The nocks may vary on 2016s depending on which model ypu shoot. On my easton XX78 Super Slams they use an aluminum bushing and insert type nock rather than a glue on. On my Easton XX75 Gamegetters, they use a plastic bushing and nock rather than a glue on. LA, if you would like I'll send you 3 of my 2016 Super Slams, uncut so you can check them out and see how you like them. If you want them PM your address. I thought I still had it but I can't find it.
Bobby. If you go the FMJ 500's and cut them back to 26" they are going to be way over spined, I mean off the chart over spined. If you leave them full lenght with a 100gr brass insert with a 200gr head ( Muzzy Phantom 2 blade) they will still be marginally stiff. But the good thing is you will have a 600 gr arrow with 23% FOC:d
Unless you already have the 2016's, I'd suggest getting a stiffer spined arrow & leave it longer & add weight. It will give you much more room to fiddle around.
Bobby's biggest problem is he was born with short arm sydrome:d only having a 26.5 dl for a compound so he will loose from 1" to 2" of draw going with trad. Now with that in mind and with his bow 45lb @ 28" he will only be drawing around 33lb to 36lb at his draw lenght. So he does not need a stiffer spined arrow otherwise he will be pulling his hair ( if he has any) out trying to tune things up.
Thanks for the info Russ. Replied to your PM. Thanks to the rest of you guys too. I have many other questions I am sure. LAEq
The Easton arrow chart is NOTORIOUSLY wrong for traditional bows. See: Another option is: If you use a traditional glue on BH you have the option of various weight BH's and various weight inserts.