I just got off the phone with a guy who has come up with a way to fund all his hunting stuff. He said he got the idea from watching all this "bail out" stuff going on.... Here is what he what he did. He found a huge/ beautiful piece of hunting property. He doesn't even know who owns it. It is well maintained has lots of food plots, a beautiful cabin, a barn, several tractors and all the gear, and a 10 acre pond stocked w/ bluegills and large mouth bass and a duck blind. He ran a raffle for 5 bucks a ticket, that the winner would have 5 years exclusive use of the place to hunt fish and otherwise run the place. He sold 500 tickets for a total of 2500 smackers. When the winner came by to claim his prize he informed him that unfortunately he had lost the lease to the property just the day before and therefore there was no prize....they complained so he gave him back the 5 dollars for the ticket. SB I could get alot of gear for $2495
I got that in an email with a guy raffling off a horse...and telling the winner it died, giving him back his $2.
Initiated by the liberal Congress though. Ingenious joke, the email I got was raffling a BMW for $10 I think though, can't quite remember.
Obama and the Liberals are in charge now....everything is now his fault and nobody elses. So there. SB
1. That's a good way to go to jail, and yes it is illegal. 2. Blamming a guy who has been in office for two months for the country's problem due to 8 years of poor management. Brilliant.
Not realizing that Clinton signed the bill that relaxed lending practices to get low income families and minorities into homes they could not afford which lead to the current crisis so we can blame bush----amazing!!!
True...but what you are speaking of makes up a small percentage of the bad loans out there. The vast majority of the sub prime loans which created the mortgage crises were made by deregulated private firms which are NOT backed by the government. That is why so many of them are screaming for help now for the bad decisions they made.
Capitalism is inherently flawed. After all.. it's based entirely on greed. So no matter what.. it will and can never work.. since humans are incapable of neglecting this "oh so fun" sin. Whaaaaaa...???:d
Have to agree with Duke on this. If people would ever realize having enough is, well, enough, then we would all have enough. (That would be an "almost" perfect world.
Good luck with that. American's are greedy. If more people would get out of there comfortable, cookie cutter worlds, and travel, they would understand how the rest of the world is. Selfish, overweight, pigs. That's all we are.
agree with MNKK, like Twain said "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime"
Capitalism in it's purest form is a beautiful thing. It's a mimic of nature. All it is, is survival of the fitest. What we have in our government is not pure capitalism. Corruption and poor goverment regulation has lead down the wrong path. How do we correct that? And why is this not in the water cooler section? Funny, because if you talk to any economist they will tell you that he was one of the greatest presidents ever. The all praised his policies.
Fear not, our new leader is working hard to correct this...If our greedy, selfish overweight pigs we call the "rich" won't give away free money to the poor, by golly were now gunna force em too. Share that wealth a little more, after all, they probably deserve it. People took out loans they couldnt afford, banks gave out loans KNOWING the risk involved with such, and now both parties are succeeding in being repaid by the rest of us. Alot of the rest of the world is under oppression or in war torn areas. Alot of areas are in such poverty that a hot meal is a godsend. Africa is STILL under constant fighting. China is regulated down to the number of children you can have. It isn't like the world is some highly civilized sophisticated society and the USA is the inbred cousin sitting over in the corner. People make the world sound like such a pretty little quaint place. America has it about as good as it gets in MANY aspects of life.
I can't wait until this whole deal plays out. (Current Administration/Government) I promise there will be a large number of people who will be voting different and singing different tunes. They won't be pretty ones either. Frankly, DoePeeSteve I am shocked at your responses.
There are gonna be a lot of people that are going to start sentences with "I thought he was gonna....." and "Wasn't the plan to....." Seriously, I hope I am wrong in my feelings.