I just saw a post on another thread that got me thinking. How long do you think it would take you to fill all your bowhunting tags? I get a buck and 2 doe tags to use if I want. I'd say if I wanted to set up accordingly and took the first 2 doe opportunities and the first buck opportunity (of any size or age) my season would be over in 2-3 days. This isnt' the case because I am after certain bucks in my area and pass on everything else. Also I don't kill my does until late season. So in the meantime I'm enjoying my time in the woods and putting the pieces of the puzzle together waiting for Mr. big. By far not proclaiming to be the great white bowhunter. I just found that interesting. All the work and dedication and if you chose could be done in 3 days! I was just interested what it was like elsewhere. If this is true for people that just hunt for meat and could care less about trophy buck hunting, how long does your season last? Do you just tag out as soon as possible? If not why, if you're strictly hunting for food? If you do tag out in the first week do you regret not being in the woods? If you do hunt in a similar way that I do how long could you (if you chose) fill your tags?
My season could of been over in a day. had 16 does, 14 in bow range that i didndt shoot. Then a buck walked by and I shot him. Missin the rut now though
I try to fill all my tags. (3 Doe/3 Buck) I have not done that in a long time. Do not have the time, land, or deer we used to have. I enjoy it though kinda. (Not filling them all real quick) That way I get to be in the woods the entire season.
till the season ends illinois has unlimited doe tags and for me to shoot a buck it has to be bigger than the ones on my wall already.
I get 5 tags and have never tagged out. If it were to happen it would take all 3 months of our season to get done.
In my area... I can kill 5 antlered deer with a 10 deer total. It's a 2 deer a day limit. If you are an archer, you can kill bucks or does any time. All with no tags. If you use a modern weapon you can get Doe tags and they have "doe days". But I'm using a bow so I'm free..... SB
good question NY i think it really gets people to think about it and realize how much of a true sportsman they are or are not i personally enjoy every minute in the woods i can get and dont think i would tag out till last minute anyway cuz then what do you do other than stand by and watch everybody else (BORING)
South Carolina has a 6 month season.....season runs from Aug. to Jan. 1.... and the limit above is for my game zone.... I could kill those and move to another zone and start over. SB
If I could possibly fill every one of the tags I can get I could kill 30 does (unlimited in 4 countys) and 6 bucks.
In my area of WI I could get up to 4 FREE tags a day. It's crazy to think about someone out there killing 4 a day. It is EAB so I would need to get a doe first for every buck sticker. I don't see many deer in a year, so I take what I can as far as mature deer. I won't shoot a yearling or a small buck even if that's the only opportunities I get. My season goes from opening day to closing day!
if i really pushed it hard i would say 2 weeks. I pass on alot of does, and mess up when i am lazy. lol i can kill 10 if i include my urban tags
I could have ended it in one week this year. I get 1 buck tag and I believe 4 Doe tags. Ill only tag 1 Doe though unless someone I know buys another tag and wants the meat. If I get my two and my son gets two, we have 4 in the freezer any way
I have 6 doe tags & a buck tag. I really don't know if I could fill all of them if I tried, taking every shot at every legal deer. I'd probably have 3 does down by now though. so who knows. If i entered a season with that goal in mind, I'd hunt a lot different
I have 1 buck and 1 doe tag. I don't see enough does to fill that tag early, if ever. Most of my deer are killed in December....so I'll go with that.
Assuming I didn't miss, my season would be done already. In fact, it would have been done last Friday/Saturday. That 5 point I keep passing is getting more and more tempting, though.
I get 10 does and 2 bucks, it would take a little while to fill them all. In Alabama we get a buck and a doe a day up to 3 bucks and a doe everyday of the season...so i could never tag out there.
My PA season was almost over in one hour. I had THE buck that I want at 11 yards... I'm still running that scenario through my head...