Change your fletching? Is it as needed, or after a certain amount of shots? How damaged is too much damage? I have a couple with small nicks in them, and though it doesn't seem to be affecting flight, I'm sure that I'll need to get them redone some time before hunting season. don't have the gear to do it myself (yet), so it'll end up being a professional job. Which I'm assuming isn't going to be cheap, which is one reason that I ask...
I shoot 4 fletch feathers and when one finally comes off the arrow will go Into a corner Until I get enough others to bring In and get refletched. Other then that I'll shoot them If their damaged some as long as I still have good flight with that arrow.
I don't change them unless they need it, and since I'm shooting feathers that usually only occurs when they come completely off.
usually if they are looking shabby or nicked up. or if i just get tired of the colors and want a new look :d same with the wraps!!
I think I should be good for a little while longer, based on the responses... mine aren't in that bad of shape, just have a nick or two. guess I can hold on to that $$ a little while longer. Thanks guys
I wait until about half of a feather is missing and then I replace it. One of the nice things about fletch tape and feathers is that I can remove and replace just one fletch.
As needed. Or if I get a wild hair and just feel like changing colors or capping and cresting, etc. some are feathers with or without a wrap, or Blazers , again with or without a wrap or crest. I have a lot of different arrows. And doing it myself saves time and money and is really quite enjoyable.
When I leave a few arrows with Ben I think it's every time he inhales. I'll get dozens of pictures in a week. Me? Never, don't have the know how or skill.
I change them when they start to Or just make the arrow hit something hard that renders it useless... XD
really?how the heck do you pull that one off? I mean, I realise that I'm not the greatest shot in the world by any means, but I would think that just normal usage would cause some damage to them here & there. Unless you never hit anything that you don't want to, and replacing the fletchings would be a lot cheaper than replacing arrows, correct?
I just bought a Blitz so this has been a helpful thread. Hoping to fletch my first arrow this weekend. :d
Do yourself a favor and get a Bitzenburger Fletching jig, it will pay for itself over and over in the years to come.
I don't. I just keep shooting until there is nothing but a stick. That way there is nothing to get caught in the wind. JOKING. I do shoot them down in the spring and early summer, but by July i like to keep them pristine so that they are as close to a hunting arrow as possible. So I change them if the get cut of start to wear a bit.
That's in the works... but i still ahve other things that I need for this fall as well... I now have an 11 year old hunting buddy who will be there with his bow, but really close to my side. Need to get him a stand and youth harness, myself a new stand, binocs, rangefinder, broadheads.... the list goes on and on. It's a slow climb to getting all I need/want for this upcoming season. That said, next spring the Bitz is definitely on the list of things to get. :d