This is for the lock on guys, How often during the season do you move your stands? I find myself moving them alot, I move them after the initial first few weeks of the season (food sources), then again when the leaves are almost all gone (rut), then again when it starts snowing. It seems im always moving stands every few weeks to keep up with the deer's patterns.
Without a doubt. With my time constraints and the way i hunt, theres no way i could do a LW/Muddy setup. And im not a fan of climbers either. It only takes me about an hour to tweak a setup.
I used to just leave them, but now I setup a few and hunt. I make adjustments and move a bit. I always keep a hot stand now so I can setup anywhere if I need too.
I have 8 stands that stay on the same trees all season long on private. I use a LW Alpha Hang-On and climbing sticks for public land hunts.
i hunt the same farm for the last ten years i have hang ons in my best spots that i never move,i dont scout them either because deer catch on very easy and i only hunt these stands once or twice a given season based on the timing of the rut and wind direction and you would be amazed how well it pays off. if i need to move 30 or 50 yards i will use a climbing stand. i move all over my 300 acre farm, mostly i hunt funnels and trails that connect doe bedding areas. i feel deer move 70 percent at night and spend more time patterning us as we do them.
Some stands are for early season and others for the rut. I do try a new spot or two each season as well. I pick out trees during spring scouting to try. Each year is a little different as far as deer sightings...some years good...others slower.
Of course if depends on deer movement, sightings, other variables, but.......... I move my stands every ~3 or 4 sits. (On average)
My lock-ons and ladder move only after the season is over. Sometimes they don't move at all (or I will take them down, and put them back up in the spring/summer). I have a climber to keep me mobile in between hunting the lock-ons if it's a set that's not right wind-wise or time of year.
I move as needed. I usually make at least one adjustment during the season if not more. I add stands to my arsonal each year. I can see in a year or two barring more property coming my way, that I could have a season where I don't move stands, but the game is always changing so I could be proved wrong. I'll be the first to admit there's plenty more to learn no matter the size of the property.
I think I currently have 13 stands in the trees. 8 are probably what I would consider my buck hunting stands.Most of those 8 stands will see only 1 sit (all day) from me in a given year. I use my lone wolf hang on to remain mobile if I need more fresh set ups.
I have 8 stands up and never hardly move a stand unless I see something that requires it. This is on properties that I know very well. On new properties I move them more often.
I should have added that, i almost exclusively move my stands in the rain. Even if for just a confidence boost.
I hate moving stands, so I try to do it as little as possible. Instead, I have stands that I consdier early season, rut stands and then late season. Then I have 3-4 that I don't put up so if there is an area I want to hunt quick I've got some stands - no matter what, I always make sure to have at least one sitting around, even if I put it up and take down the same day I hunt it....